This is the frontend for Augur, a decentralized prediction market platform that runs on Ethereum.
Ethereum Dapps store their data on the Ethereum blockchain, and their frontends are web pages that use the JavaScript API to access blockchain data.
Install go-ethereum (installation instructions). Add a new account with geth account new
and then start the client with geth --rpc --rpccorsdomain 'http://localhost:8080' --shh --unlock primary
Install Node.js, then:
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt browserify:build
npm start
use grunt watchify
to have grunt watch for changes. grunt browserify:debug
for helpful (yet slow) module mappings in console.
NOTE: a seperate dev branch is used when building in this manner and data will be seperate from the default build above.
- market commenting
- featured markets
- filters to organize markets by volume, category, number of traders, trading fee, initial liquidity
- api voting
- search engine for contract data / markets
- social media integrations