
A Puppet module for installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 10.xx

# MongoDB Module #
Author	: Sean Porter <sean@gastownlabs.com>
Version	: 0.0.6
Licence : Apache

Module for creating a MongoDB server.

Use a Ubuntu AMI provided by: http://alestic.com/
Use Git.

Add it:
	git submodule add git://github.com/portertech/puppet-mongodb.git modules/mongodb
	git submodule init
	git submodule update

Update it:
	git pull modules/mongodb

Sample Usage :
	node 'mongodb-1.domain.com', 'mongodb-2.domain.com', 'mongodb-3.domain.com' {
		# Install MongoDB
		include mongodb
		# Nodes are in a replica set
		mongodb::replica_set { "example_set_name": }

- v0.0.1 : Hello World.
- v0.0.2 : Require apt to update.
- v0.0.3 : Fixed the apt update. Puppet couldn’t determine the apt update resource state.
- v0.0.4 : Begin support for multiple Ubuntu releases. Added replica set support and README.
- v0.0.5 : Support for Ubuntu Maverick (10.10).
- v0.0.6 : Added "python-software-properties" for apt abstraction.