
KeyboardKit is a Swift library that helps you create iOS keyboard extensions.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Version Platform Swift 5.1 License Twitter: @danielsaidi

About KeyboardKit

KeyboardKit is a Swift library that helps you create keyboard extensions for iOS. It supports many keyboard actions and keyboard types and lets you create keyboards with text inputs, emojis, actions, images etc.

With KeyboardKit, you inherit KeyboardInputViewController instead of UIInputViewController. This provides you with a keyboardActionHandler that can handle taps, long presses etc. and a keyboardStackView to which you can add components like toolbars, button rows and collection views. KeyboardKit also provides you with tools for haptic feedback, displaying alerts on top of the keyboard etc.


Swift Package Manager

The easiest way to add KeyboardKit to your project in Xcode 11 is to use Swift Package Manager:



target 'HostApp' do
  pod 'KeyboardKit'

target 'KeyboardExt' do
  pod 'KeyboardKit'


github "danielsaidi/KeyboardKit"

Manual installation

To manually add KeyboardKit to your app, clone this repository, add KeyboardKit.xcodeproj to your project and KeyboardKit.framework as an embedded app binary and target dependency.

Get Started

With KeyboardKit, your input view controllers should inherit from KeyboardInputViewController instead of UIInputViewController. It has a keyboardStackView to which you can add components like toolbars, button rows and even collection views The keuyboard extension will automatically be resized to fit the content of this stack view.

Keyboard Actions

KeyboardKit comes with a set of actions that can be applied to your keyboard buttons, like characters, backspace, newline, space, keyboard switchers etc.

Checkout this guide for more information about the available actions and how to use them.

Keyboard Types

KeyboardKit comes with the following built-in keyboard types:

  • alphabetic(uppercase/lowercase)
  • numeric
  • symbolic
  • email
  • emojis
  • custom(name)

These types are just keyboard representations, without any logic. You can bind them to a keyboard action to add buttons that switches between various keyboard types, but you have to implement the keyboards types yourself.


KeyboardKit comes with a set of component protocols that can be combined into complete keyboard, e.g. vertical and horizontal components, buttons, button rows etc.

Checkout this guide for more information about the available components and how to use them.


KeyboardKit comes with a set of views that implement one or several of the component protocols above, e.g. vertical and horizontal components, buttons, button rows etc.

Checkout this guide for more information about the available views and how to use them.


KeyboardKit supports autocomplete, which means that you can add a toolbar that displays autocomplete suggestions for the currently typed text and replaces text in your text document proxy when you tap a suggestion.

Checkout this guide for more information about how to implement autocomplete in your keyboard.


Since keyboard extensions can't display UIAlertControllers, you can use KeyboardAlert to alert messages on top of the keyboard. You can use the built-in ToastAlert or create a custom one.

Haptic Feedback

KeyboardKit has a HapticFeedback type, that can be used to give the user haptic feedback as she/he uses the keyboard. HapticFeedback defines a set of feedback types that wraps native feedback types like selection changed, error, success etc.

You can enable or disable haptic feedback by providing the keyboardActionHandler with a haptic feedback configuration. The default configuration is to disable haptic feedback.

NOTE that you have to enable open access for the keyboard for haptic feedback to work.

Audio Feedback

KeyboardKit has an AudioFeedback type, that can be used to give the user audio feedback as she/he uses the keyboard. AudioFeedback defines a set of feedback types that wraps native system sounds.

You can enable or disable audio feedback by providing the keyboardActionHandler with a audio feedback configuration. The default configuration is to play standard audio feedback.

NOTE that you have to enable open access for the keyboard for haptic feedback to work.


KeyboardKit comes with a bunch of extensions that simplifies working with keyboard extensions. Many are internal and only used within the library, but some are public and can be used to handle common logic, like saving and exporting images. Check out the example app for more information.

Demo Application

This repository contains a demo app that demonstrates different kinds of keyboards, including:

  • Alphabetical (lower + upper-case)
  • Numerical
  • Symbols
  • Emojis
  • Images

To keep the keyboard layout nice, the image switcher key is only displayed on notch devices, since they don't have to display a next keyboard button.

You have to enable "full access" in keyboard settings for haptic feedback and the image keyboard to work.

To run the demo app, open and run the KeyboardKit.xcodeproj project.

Contact me

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


KeyboardKit is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more info.