A MSCS student of the University of Chicago who dedicated to integrating Software Engineering with AI and other cutting-edge technologies
Pinned Repositories
Year 3 SemB CS4386 AI Game programming HW2: Implement alpha-beta pruning minmax algorithm with self-designed heuristic evaluation function for both player(Wolves and sheep)to play Wolf eats Sheep Game.
Constrained Levy Exploration (CLE) generates a scanpath computing eye movements as Levy flight on a saliency map.
Year3 Sem A: A CLI Program aims to provide the reservation of tables, ordering of the dishes, and table arrangement for a food court!
Year3 SemB CS4386 HW1: Implement Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm with self-designed evaluation function for a chess game which is played by two players on a 6x6 board.
CS4486 HW3(With Teammate): Implemented CNN to predict the labels of dermoscopic images among eight diagnostic categories. And applied data augmentation techniques(Random Horizontal Flip,Random Vertical Flip,Random Affine,Random Rotate) and other boosting techniques(Mix-Up,Additive SoftMax Margin, Ensemble) to improve the classification accuracy
Year 3 SemesterB CS4486 HW1: Implement Iterative A Star(IDA*) Algorithm for path finding, reimplement A* algorithm for finding the path traversing multiple points, and utilized different heuristic functions for the project in the repository forked from udacity/FCND-Motion-Planning
Year 3 SemB CS3481 Hierachical Clustering and K-mean Clustering Analysis Assignment: implement clustering approach for Vertebral Column dataset based on the Hierachical Clustering and K-mean Clustering, and perform analysis and comparison with these two kinds of clustering approach.
CS4480 Data Intensive Computing Group Project: Parallel Computing on Bike Sharing Demand Dataset
self learning stuffs for pytorch
alfreddLUO's Repositories
Year3 Sem A: A CLI Program aims to provide the reservation of tables, ordering of the dishes, and table arrangement for a food court!
Year 3 SemB CS4386 AI Game programming HW2: Implement alpha-beta pruning minmax algorithm with self-designed heuristic evaluation function for both player(Wolves and sheep)to play Wolf eats Sheep Game.
CS4486 HW3(With Teammate): Implemented CNN to predict the labels of dermoscopic images among eight diagnostic categories. And applied data augmentation techniques(Random Horizontal Flip,Random Vertical Flip,Random Affine,Random Rotate) and other boosting techniques(Mix-Up,Additive SoftMax Margin, Ensemble) to improve the classification accuracy
Year 3 SemesterB CS4486 HW1: Implement Iterative A Star(IDA*) Algorithm for path finding, reimplement A* algorithm for finding the path traversing multiple points, and utilized different heuristic functions for the project in the repository forked from udacity/FCND-Motion-Planning
Year 3 SemB CS3481 Hierachical Clustering and K-mean Clustering Analysis Assignment: implement clustering approach for Vertebral Column dataset based on the Hierachical Clustering and K-mean Clustering, and perform analysis and comparison with these two kinds of clustering approach.
CS4480 Data Intensive Computing Group Project: Parallel Computing on Bike Sharing Demand Dataset
self learning stuffs for pytorch
Constrained Levy Exploration (CLE) generates a scanpath computing eye movements as Levy flight on a saliency map.
Year3 SemB CS4386 HW1: Implement Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm with self-designed evaluation function for a chess game which is played by two players on a 6x6 board.
Year 3 SemB CS3481 Decision Tree Analysis Assignment: implement a predictive modeling approach for Vertebral Column dataset based on the decision tree, and analysis the decision tree.
Eclipse JUnit5 Testing Practice for CS3343 and CS3346
Final Year Project Try-Out Codes
👋 Aligning Human & Machine Vision using explainability
Year 3 SemB CS3481 Random Forest and Naive Bayes Classifier Analysis Assignment: implement a predictive modeling approach for Vertebral Column dataset based on the random forest classifier and gaussian naive bayes classifier, and perform analysis and comparison with this two models.
All the assignments for 51036 at UChicago