
Extract fields from a PDF file and convert them to JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Author : Alfred MOUELLE | FullStack Developer

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Getting Started

  • after cloning the project, install the dependencies with your favorite tool npm, yarn, pnpm, bun pnpm install
  • Make the script executable chmod +x pdftojson
  • Access anywhere in your computer
    • First of all, find your current shell with echo $SHELL
    • Add the line export PATH="/path_to_you_project:$PATH" to your .zshrc or .bash_profile according to your current SHELL. Admit that your username is "alfredmouelle", you're using a MAC and the project name is "pdf-to-json", the line will looks like export PATH="/Users/alfredmouelle/pdf-to-json:$PATH"
    • Reload you shell configurations with source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bash_profile

That's all just use it

Example : pdftojson /path_to_you_pdf_file


The output file will be stored to you "Downloads" folder inside the "pdf-to-json" folder