Angular directives for jQuery and jQuery UI plugins
Creates a jQuery UI dialog using the supplied options. A services
will be created for the dialog named dialogName
DialogService with
openDialog and closeDialog methods.
- dialog-name (required): name used for the dialog service
- on-open: a scope function called when the dialog is opened
- on-close: a scope function called when the dialog is closed
- button-classes: map of {'
button name
': 'class name
'} for any buttons - args-to-scope: true = openDialog arguments will be added to the directive's parent scope
- all jQuery UI dialog options will be available as scope attributes
- buttons: you can pass 'close' as the method for a button and it will close the dialog
Service methods:
- isOpen: calls isOpen method on the dialog
- moveToTop: calls moveToTop method on the dialog
- getOption(option): returns the value of the option
- setOption(option, value): sets the option to the new value
- openDialog(options): calls onOpen if available, then opens the dialog and returns a Promise
- closeDialog(data): close the dialog and resolves the Promise with the data