- 1
Unable to run plugin
#30 opened by esc - 2
- 1
Act as a provider for google/vim-coverage?
#19 opened by blueyed - 3
Can we have an option to not open LastSession.coveragepy window at the bottom?
#24 opened by shadyabhi - 9
Error 117: Unknown function: execute
#23 opened by stringfellow - 14
Request: alternative, subtler display style.
#16 opened by amcgregor - 9
Signs are always placed in the first pane
#22 opened by merwok - 2
Should only unplace own signs
#18 opened by blueyed - 4
Highlighting does not work in Windows
#20 opened by thingmarius - 7
refresh coverage lines
#6 opened by juanpabloaj - 6
Bad window height when showing report
#15 opened by zzantares - 6
Error when using this plugin
#14 opened by esc - 17
Add support for "branch coverage" (was: Calling "Coveragepy report" yields "Error detected while processing function …")
#12 opened by okurz - 5
Broken with coverage 4.0.3
#13 opened by bowensong - 7
HighlightMissing getting called
#10 opened by mattboehm - 3
Session show toggle off sign marks
#9 opened by leebrooks0 - 6
test cases in subfolder
#5 opened by dusans - 4
Couldn't get Coveragpy command to load
#3 opened by davedash