
Python Bootcamp for Data week 2: Python Functions and Classes

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Functions and Classes

Python Bootcamp for Data week 2: Python Functions and Classes

This week, you will learn how to create functions, classes, and methods. These are the basis of almost any program you might create with Python. Functions and classes are useful for organizing code, increasing maintainability and code reuse.

🎥 Click the image above to access week 1 of the full course on O'Reilly


This is week 2 (out of 4) of the Python Bootcamp for Data. The whole course has four weeks:

Table of Contents

Week 2 Content

  1. Working with functions
  2. Building classes and using methods data structures
  3. Modules and advanced usage

Learning Objectives

In this week you will learn to:

  • Create and work with functions.
  • Build classes and methods.
  • Use testing to validate your work

Useful Resources