My name is Adrian Delgado, I'm a self-taught Full-Stack Blockchain Software Engineer and Content Creator. Since the age of 2, I've always been fascinated by computers & loved spending hours playing on them. I'm currently working as a Blockchain Developer & Consultant, Web Developer, & Computer Technician.👨💻🖥️🔧
My dream is to create something that's going to impact the world forever using blockchain technology.🌎
⛓ I’m currently creating a decentralized NFT exchange with Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle, React, Redux, & more!
🤝 I'm looking to connect with more blockchain developers!
💬 Ask me about Blockchain Consulting or developing an application for you.
📫 Reach me at:
🎨 My portoflio site:
🏆 My proudest project:
⚡ Fun fact: I love hiking, crypto, learning, & playing chess.⛰📈♟️