
Android frontend that integrates with JHipster backend via OAuth 2.0

Primary LanguageJava


Android frontend that integrates with JHipster backend via OAuth 2.0

This is the corresponding JHipster repository: https://github.com/alfredorueda/basketballOAuth2

You simply need to properly configure the properties: https://github.com/alfredorueda/Android_JHipster_Basketball/blob/master/app/src/main/assets/app.properties as defined in your JHipster app: https://github.com/alfredorueda/basketballOAuth2/blob/master/src/main/resources/config/application.yml

security: authentication: oauth: clientid: basketballapp secret: mySecretOAuthSecret # Token is valid 30 minutes tokenValidityInSeconds: 1800 rememberme: # security key (this key should be unique for your application, and kept secret) key: a2a6c0b3627730ff7edad3f9b829c9d80969fe7a

Then, you simply need to add some players using the AngularJS Web interface as usual. After that, you can query your new players from your Android application!


  1. Complete CRUD
  2. Use best practices from this nice book: https://leanpub.com/retrofit-love-working-with-apis-on-android (interceptor) (https://futurestud.io/blog/retrofit-series-round-up)