
Terraform module to trigger the codepipeline via events

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform module to trigger the codepipeline via events, instead of polling.

AWS now disables code-pipelines after 30 days of inactivity, if they use polling. https://repost.aws/questions/QUQpm_cExCSxqc5qiWNj8xmw/aws-codepipeline-is-disabling-polling-in-inactive-pipelines

By doing so they force users to migrate to using events. For using events you need to do much more, than just enabling a flag and providing the code repo.

This module makeas it easy to configure your code pipeline to be triggered upon git push.


Refer as in https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/modules/sources


module "codepipeline-event-trigger" {
  source                = "github.com/alfrepo/terraform_module_codepipeline-event-trigger"
  aws_region            = local.aws_region
  aws_account_id        = local.aws_account_id
  prefix                = local.prefix
  repository_name       = local.repository_name
  repository_arn        = local.repository_arn
  repository_branch     = local.repository_branch
  app_codepipeline_arn  = module.webserver-pipeline.app_codepipeline_arn // pass aour codepipeline arn here

and you locals definition:


locals {
  aws_region        = "eu-central-1"                // region
  aws_account_id    = "123412341234"
  prefix            = "myprefix-dev-env1"           // my deployment namespace
  repository_name   = "MyGitRepoToListenForCommits" // The repo name
  repository_arn    = "arn:aws:codecommit:eu-central-1:123412341234:MyGitRepoToListenForCommits"
  repository_branch = "master"