
C# Accelerator

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

C# Sample Accelerator

A sample accelerator for C# consuming Services (Rabbitmq and Reddis).

It simply does the following:

  • Generates some weather data
  • Sends the data to a RMQ Queue
  • Receives back the same data from RMQ
  • Stashes the data in Redis

This application has two versions on different branches:

This sample is a modified version of the Weather Forecast RESTful API application made available from Microsoft.

Running the app locally

To run the sample application:

dotnet run

Deploying to Kubernetes as a TAP workload

Install Service Operators

  1. Create a Services namespace
kubectl create ns service-instances
  1. Install the Redis Enterprise operator
 kapp -y deploy --app redis-operator --file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RedisLabs/redis-enterprise-k8s-docs/v6.2.10-45/bundle.yaml -n service-instances
  1. Install the RabbitMQ cluster Operator
 kapp -y deploy --app rmq-operator --file https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator/releases/latest/download/cluster-operator.yml -n service-instances

Create Service instances

  1. Create a Redis instance
kubectl apply -f config/redis.yaml
  1. Create a RabbitMQ instance
kubectl apply -f config/rabbitmq.yaml
  1. Wait for both service instances to be ready
kubectl wait --for=condition=ReconcileSuccess RabbitmqCluster rmq-1 -n service-instances

kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.state}'=Running RedisEnterpriseCluster redis-1 -n service-instances
kubectl wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.status}'=active RedisEnterpriseDatabase redis-1-db -n service-instances

Create Application

  1. Create Service Metadata
kubectl apply -f config/meta.yaml

Option 1: Using YAML

  1. Create ResourceClaims
kubectl apply -f config/claims.yaml
  1. Create workload
kubectl apply -f config/workload.yaml

Option 2: Using Tanzu CLI

  1. Discover what service classes are available
tanzu service class list
  1. Discover what service instances are available in your namespace
tanzu service claimable list --class rabbitmq-cluster
tanzu service claimable list --class redis-enterprise-cluster
  1. Create two ResourceClaims for each available Service
tanzu service claim create rmq-1-claim \
  --resource-name rmq-1 \
  --resource-namespace service-instances \
  --resource-kind RabbitmqCluster \
  --resource-api-version rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
tanzu service claim create redis-1-claim \
  --resource-name redis-1-redis-secret \
  --resource-namespace service-instances \
  --resource-kind Secret \
  --resource-api-version v1
  1. Create Workload
tanzu apps workload create sample-app \
  --git-repo https://github.com/samze/csharp-weatherforecast \
  --git-branch rmq_redis \
  --type web \
  --label app.kubernetes.io/part-of=sample-app \
  --annotation autoscaling.knative.dev/minScale=1 \
  --service-ref="rmq=services.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1:ResourceClaim:rmq-1-claim" \
  --service-ref="redis=services.apps.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1:ResourceClaim:redis-1-claim" \

NOTE: The provided config/workload.yaml file uses the Git URL for this sample. When you want to modify the source, you must push the code to your own Git repository and then update the spec.source.git information in the config/workload.yaml file.

If you make modifications to the source, push these changes to your own Git repository.

Accessing the app deployed to your cluster

Determine the URL to use for the accessing the app by running:

tanzu apps workload get sample-app

To access the deployed app use the URL shown under "Workload Knative Services" and append the endpoint /weatherforecast to that URL.

This depends on the TAP installation having DNS configured for the Knative ingress.