
A free and open-source Automatic Account Creator (AAC) written in Javascript Stack;

Primary LanguageCSS

Hati AAC

🔖 About

Haiti is a project for the purpose of studying Javascript.

  • Express
  • React
  • Redux
  • Cookie
  • MySQL
  • Axios
  • Sequelize
  • Bootstrap
  • Bundle
  • Sass
  • Joi
  • Crypto
  • React e dependencies.


API RESTful - MySQL - Sequelize

Status License


BackEnd Project: RESTful API following MVC concept using Stack NodeJS, standardizing the code with Eslint and Prettier.

Main packages: Express responsible for creating routes, Middleware JWT for token persistence for 30 minutes, maintaining the user's security and credibility, ORM Sequelize for connection to MySQL database (Sequelize) and finally, Joi to perform validations.

Routes mapped from Insomnia exported file: Insomnia.json


Sign up

  • This endpoint should receive a user with the following fields: account name, email, password
  "name": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "password": "password",
  • Use status codes accordingly
  • In case of success a user will return the fields
  • id: user id (can be the one generated by the bank, but it would be interesting if it was a GUID
  • *created_date: account creation date
  • updatedAt: date of the account's last update, this column is generated by the sequelize itself.
  • last login: date of the last login (in the case of creation, it will be the same as the creation)
  • token: API access token (a JWT)
  • If the email already exists, you should return an error with the message "Email already existing".
  • Token must be persisted together with the user, using refresh token.

Sign in

  • This endpoint will receive an object with a name and password.
  • If the e-mail exists and the password is the same as the persisted password, return same as the sign_up endpoint.
  • If the email does not exist, return an error with the appropriate status plus the message "Invalid username and / or password"
  • If the email exists but the password does not match, return the appropriate status 401 plus the message "Invalid username and / or password"

Buscar usuário

  • Calls to this endpoint must contain a header in the request for Authentication with the value "Bearer {token}" where {token} is the token value passed in the creation or sign in of a user.
  • If the token does not exist, return an error with the appropriate status with the message "Not authorized".
  • If the token exists, search for the user by the id passed in the path and compare if the token in the model is the same as the token passed in the header.
  • If not the same token, return error with appropriate status and message "Not authorized"
  • If it is the same token, check if the last login was LESS than 30 minutes ago.
  • If not LESS than 30 minutes ago, return error with status appropriate with "Invalid session" message.
  • If everything is ok, return the user.


  • Environment variable .env.example:
  • Install dependencies: yarn install or npm install
  • Deploy of the application: yarn start or npm start

Routes - Account

POST localhost:3001/account/sign-up

   "name": "123456",
   "email": "emailvalid@gmail.com",
   "password": "hatipassword",

POST localhost:3001/account/sign-in

   "name": "123456",
   "password": "hatipassword"

Routes - Players

GET localhost:3001/player/characters

notes: if you are not logged in, you will receive a token error, example: { "message": "Invalid token" }

    "id": 1,
    "name": "123456",
    "email": "pedro@msn.com",
    "secret": "0",
    "type": 1,
    "premdays": 0,
    "lastday": 0,
    "creation": 0,
    "page_access": 0,
    "jwtVersion": 0,
    "createdAt": "2020-08-30T19:38:53.000Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-08-30T19:38:53.000Z"
  "metadata": {
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNjAyNzI5MDY3LCJleHAiOjE2MDI3MzA4Njd9.1bcQTwQWxkApoxTN4C6mSM9tHIcMjI7tG3sWd1bcRUw",
    "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwidmVyc2lvbiI6MCwiaWF0IjoxNjAyNzI5MDY3LCJleHAiOjE2MDUzMjEwNjd9.RdKYU5m_rd_Y_gKe7oj5YaYl-qHYPrSsZRDjKm_jSg4"

GET localhost:3001/player/character/:name

    "count": 1,
    "rows": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Pedro",
        "sex": 0,
        "vocation": 0,
        "town_id": 7,
        "level": 1,
        "health": 185,
        "healthmax": 185,
        "mana": 35,
        "manamax": 35,
        "soul": 100,
        "stamina": 0,
        "maglevel": 0,
        "lastlogin": 0,
        "skill_fist": 10,
        "skill_club": 10,
        "skill_sword": 10,
        "skill_axe": 10,
        "skill_dist": 10,
        "skill_shielding": 10,
        "skill_fishing": 10,
        "lookbody": 0,
        "lookfeet": 0,
        "lookhead": 0,
        "looklegs": 0,
        "looktype": 128,
        "lookaddons": 0,
        "player_deaths": []

GET ocalhost:3001/player/highscores?vocation=all&skill=level&page=0

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Pedro",
      "group_id": 1,
      "level": 1,
      "vocation": 0,
      "health": 185,
      "healthmax": 185,
      "experience": 4200,
      "lookbody": 0,
      "lookfeet": 0,
      "lookhead": 0,
      "looklegs": 0,
      "looktype": 128,
      "lookaddons": 0,
      "maglevel": 0,
      "mana": 35,
      "manamax": 35,
      "manaspent": 0,
      "soul": 100,
      "town_id": 7,
      "posx": 157,
      "posy": 54,
      "posz": 7,
      "conditions": {
        "type": "Buffer",
        "data": [
      "cap": 930,
      "sex": 0,
      "lastlogin": 0,
      "lastip": 0,
      "save": 1,
      "skull": false,
      "skulltime": 0,
      "lastlogout": 0,
      "blessings": 0,
      "onlinetime": 0,
      "deletion": 0,
      "balance": 0,
      "offlinetraining_time": 0,
      "offlinetraining_skill": 0,
      "stamina": 0,
      "skill_axe": 10,
      "skill_axe_tries": 0,
      "skill_sword": 10,
      "skill_sword_tries": 0,
      "skill_club": 10,
      "skill_club_tries": 0,
      "skill_fist": 10,
      "skill_fist_tries": 0,
      "skill_shielding": 10,
      "skill_shielding_tries": 0,
      "skill_dist": 10,
      "skill_dist_tries": 0,
      "skill_fishing": 10,
      "skill_fishing_tries": 0,
      "comment": "0",
      "signature": "0",
      "createdAt": "2020-10-15T02:42:14.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2020-10-15T02:42:14.000Z",
      "account_id": 1

GET localhost:3001/player/ ? maybe refactor the names later, add a create, etc.


 "name": "Github",
 "sex": 1


  "message": "Requisição bem sucedida.",
  "data": {
     "id": 2,
    "name": "Github",
    "sex": 1,
    "group_id": 1,
    "level": 1,
    "vocation": 0,
    "account_id": 1,
    "health": 185,
    "healthmax": 185,
    "experience": 4200,
    "lookbody": 0,
    "lookfeet": 0,
    "lookhead": 0,
    "looklegs": 0,
    "looktype": 128,
    "lookaddons": 0,
    "maglevel": 0,
    "mana": 35,
    "manamax": 35,
    "manaspent": 0,
    "soul": 100,
    "town_id": 7,
    "posx": 157,
    "posy": 54,
    "posz": 7,
    "conditions": 0,
    "cap": 930,
    "lastlogin": 0,
    "lastip": 0,
    "save": 1,
    "skull": false,
    "skulltime": 0,
    "lastlogout": 0,
    "blessings": 0,
    "onlinetime": 0,
    "deletion": 0,
    "balance": 0,
    "offlinetraining_time": 0,
    "offlinetraining_skill": 0,
    "stamina": 0,
    "skill_axe": 10,
    "skill_axe_tries": 0,
    "skill_sword": 10,
    "skill_sword_tries": 0,
    "skill_club": 10,
    "skill_club_tries": 0,
    "skill_fist": 10,
    "skill_fist_tries": 0,
    "skill_shielding": 10,
    "skill_shielding_tries": 0,
    "skill_dist": 10,
    "skill_dist_tries": 0,
    "skill_fishing": 10,
    "skill_fishing_tries": 0,
    "comment": 0,
    "signature": 0,
    "updatedAt": "2020-10-15T02:59:23.801Z",
    "createdAt": "2020-10-15T02:59:23.801Z"

Important note: some routes / account / it is necessary to pass in the header the parameter authentication containing the Token Bearer collected in the route sigin-in


## Contact

- [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedrogiampietro/)
- pedrogiampietro@hotmail.com

<h4 align="center">
    Feito com 💜 by <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedrogiampietro" target="_blank">Pedro Giampietro</a>