
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


mfd-safety is a tool reporting maximal safe paths for minimum flow decompositions (mfd) using ILP calls, and implementing several optimization to reduce the number of ILP calls or their size (number of variables/constrains).


  • Install miniconda
  • Clone our this repository and cd to the corresponding folder
  • conda env create -f conda_environment.yml


To run the project activate the conda environment you created during installation (conda activate mfd-safety) and use python to execute the mfd_safety.py file.

As an example you can try:

python ./src/mfd_safety.py -i ./example_inputs/example.graph -o ./example_inputs/example.safe


  • The input is a file containing a sequence of (directed) acyclic flow graphs separated by lines starting with #.
  • The first line of each flow graph contains the number of vertices of the graph, after this every flow edge from vertex u to v carrying f flow is represented in a separated line in the format u v f.
  • Vertices must be integers following a topological order of the graph.
  • An example of such a format can be found in ./example_inputs/example.graph.
  • To specify subpath constraints, after the specification of each graph add a line 'subpaths' followed by the subpaths, one on each line. A subpath is specified as the corresponding sequence of vertices (separated by spaces) followed by '1.0', an example can be found in ./example_inputs/example_subpaths.graph


  • The output is a file containing a sequence of maximal safe paths separated by lines starting with # (one per flow graph in the input).
  • Each line contains a maximal safe path as the corresponding sequence of vertices (starting with -1).
  • An example of such a format can be found in ./example_inputs/example.safe.
  • The maximality property of the safe paths is only guaranteed within a path in a flow decomposition, to obtain global maximal safe path one must remove subpaths, for our experiments we used this code.


  • -i <path to input file>. Mandatory.
  • -o <path to locate output>. Mandatory.
  • -stats Output stats to file .stats
  • -t <n> Use n threads for the Gurobi solver; use 0 for all threads (default 0).
  • -ilptb <n> Maximum time (in seconds) that the ilp solver is allowed to take when computing safe paths for one flow graph. If the solver takes more than n seconds, then safe for (all) flow decompositions is reported instead.
  • -uef Uses excess flow to save ILP calls.
  • -uy2v Use Y2V contraction on the flow graphs to reduce the ILP size.
  • -s/es/rs/ess/esl/rss/rsl {scan, bin_search, exp_search, rep_exp_search} When running the two-finger algorithm applied the specified strategy to extend/reduce the current safe interval.
  • -st/est/rst <n> When running the two-finger algorithm run the small strategy when the search space is less than n and the large strategy otherwise.
  • -ugtd/-ugbu Run a group testing algorithm (top down or bottom up) instead of two-finger.

Our experiments



python ./src/mfd_safety.py -i <input> -o <output> -t 12 -uy2v -uef [-ilptb 120]

Two-Finger Optimized Search

python ./src/mfd_safety.py -i <input> -o <output> -t 12 -uy2v -uef -st 8 -esl bin_search -ess exp_search -rsl bin_search -rss exp_search [-ilptb 120]

Group Testing Bottom-Up

python ./src/mfd_safety.py -i <input> -o <output> -t 12 -uy2v -uef -ugbu [-ilptb 120]

Group Testing Top-Down

python ./src/mfd_safety.py -i <input> -o <output> -t 12 -uy2v -uef -ugtd [-ilptb 120]


The datasets can be found in Zenodo at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8275700