
eParkai.lt Energy Generation Statistics for Home Assistant

Primary LanguagePython

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While eparkai.lt does not offer any kind of API for remote solar power plant users, this Home Assistant (HA) component scrapes solar power generation data every hour and imports to long-term HA statistics.


This component is in testing stage! Errors or miscalculation, breaking changes should be expected! Any feedback or requests should be raised as an issue.



  1. Navigate to HACS Integrations
  2. Click Custom repositories
  3. Paste repository URL https://github.com/algirdasc/hass-eparkai to Repository field
  4. Choose Integration category
  5. Click Add
  6. Install & configure component (see Configuration)
  7. Restart HA


  1. Upload custom_components directory to your HA config directory
  2. Configure component (see Configuration)
  3. Restart HA



Name Type Required Default Description
username string yes eParkai.lt username / email
password string yes eParkai.lt password
client_id string yes Client ID (see below How to get your client and generation IDs)
power_plants list yes List of power plants

Power plant

Name Type Required Default Description
name string yes Name of power plant (will be visible in energy dashboard)
id string yes Power plant generation ID (see below How to get your client and generation IDs)
object_address string no Power plant object address, required when having more than one object (see below How to get your client and generation IDs)
statistics_id_suffix string no Unique statistics id. Useful when using same power plant generation id with percentage calculation
generation_percentage int no 100 Reduce generation calculation by percentage (i.e: if generation tax is applied)


  username: your_username
  password: your_password
  client_id: '12345'
    - name: My Power Plant
      id: 123456
      object_address: Some street 1
    - name: My Other Power Plant
      id: 654321
      object_address: Some other street 2

Object address

Object address is mandatory if you have multiple objects. This should be set exactly as is set in eparkai.lt site.

Generation percentage

If you have chosen power plant generation tax which reduces your generation, you might want to see taxed power and owned power separately. You can do this by adding same power plant twice and setting generation_percentage and statistics_id_suffix parameters. Example:

    - name: Power plant with taxes (TAXED)
      id: 123456
      statistics_id_suffix: taxed
      generation_percentage: 12
    - name: Power plant with taxes (OWNED)
      id: 123456
      statistics_id_suffix: owned
      generation_percentage: 88

This way two separate statistics will be created: eparkai:energy_generation_123456_taxed andeparkai:energy_generation_123456_owned. When you add both to your energy dashboard, you will see your owned part as 88% and taxed part as 12% of all generated power separately as stacked column. statistics_id_suffix must be set to create non-ambiguous ID and prevent overwriting statistics data.

How to get your client and generation IDs

  1. Login to your eParkai.lt account
  2. Go to your generation page
  3. Look to your browsers address bar - you'll see something like eparkai.lt/user/XXXXX/generation. That XXXXX is your client_id.
  4. Now open source code of the page (CTRL+U)
  5. Look for generation_electricity, option value is your power_plant_id
  6. Look for edit-address, option value is your object_address


  • Test with multiple power plants
  • Add more logging
  • History import
  • Add generation percentage deduction (as a tax calculation)