
Algolia Search Command Line API Client

Primary LanguageShell

AlgoliaSearch REST API CLI Client

This API client has been done to ease the usage of Algolia's REST API from the command line. It's a cURL wrapper handling the retry strategy complexity for you.


$ ./algoliasearch-cmd.sh (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE) /1/<ENDPOINT> [cURL arguments]


  • Test if the service is alive:

    $ APPLICATION_ID=******** API_KEY=******** ./algoliasearch-cmd.sh GET /1/isalive
  • Delete an index:

    $ APPLICATION_ID=******** API_KEY=******** ./algoliasearch-cmd.sh DELETE /1/indexes/myindextodelete
  • Set the settings of an index:

    $ APPLICATION_ID=******** API_KEY=******** ./algoliasearch-cmd.sh PUT /1/indexes/myindex/settings -d '{"attributesToIndex": ["title", "description"]}'
  • Search:

    $ APPLICATION_ID=******** API_KEY=******** ./algoliasearch-cmd.sh POST /1/indexes/myindex/query -d '{"query": "test"}'