Pinned issues
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Algolia support for Angular InstantSearch
#1009 opened by dhayab - 21
- 0
RouteState does not change on popstate
#1007 opened by SRYVPRASAD - 5
- 1
NPM ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
#1005 opened by syah284 - 12
- 0
Type 'TargetedPictureInPictureEvent<Target>' does not satisfy the constraint 'TargetedEvent<EventTarget, Event>'
#1004 opened by No1e - 4
Activate IVY compilation mode
#984 opened by thiboot - 5
`NgAisModule' does not appear to be an NgModule class
#1001 opened by mozi22 - 1
- 0
*ngIf not working with ais-instantsearch
#999 opened by NeerajThapliyal - 1
1 rules skipped due to selector errors: .ais-RatingMenu-link>*+* -> Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')
#998 opened by harry-joshi - 0
GeoSearch enableRefineOnMapMove does not work
#997 opened by imbradyboy - 0
Preserve custom query params when routing: true
#996 opened by imbradyboy - 1
Expose the InstantSearchConfig interface
#995 opened by NateMay - 3
SSR example doesn't work
#990 opened by ohryk-intellias - 8
- 6
Compilation error: Cannot find module 'places.js' or its corresponding type declarations.
#988 opened by kisamoto - 2
Compilation error: Cannot find module 'places.js' or its corresponding type declarations.
#989 opened by mazenaboelanin - 5
Compile error: Type 'TConnectorParams' does not satisfy the constraint 'object'.
#841 opened by bashoogzaad - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#838 opened by renovate - 6
- 3
Pagination `pagesArray` is calculated every time whether it's used or not, making arrays of thousands of elements
#977 opened by flevi29 - 0
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ais-configure : Type '{ hitsPerPage: number; }' is not assignable to type 'PlainSearchParameters'.
#969 opened by johnico - 0
Color refinement list
#970 opened by dhayab - 2
Content injection between Hits
#889 opened by dhayab - 2
I was trying to replicate the refinement-list but cannot find ais-facets-search
#966 opened by hsnassaad - 9
request.query type Error in angular
#965 opened by dmsammusic - 1
Question: Is it possible to disable cache when using createSSRSearchClient?
#961 opened by MiguelAngelGarciaGomez - 4
Support Angular 14
#954 opened by Karman40 - 3
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Missing hits, refinement list on page load.
#946 opened by boreens - 2
Feature Request - Ability to prevent search on init
#883 opened by brianpooe - 1
qs, hogan.js, algoliasearch-helper. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
#894 opened by thiboot - 6
Support Angular 13
#885 opened by Haroenv - 3
Circular reference Awaited in utils.d.ts
#835 opened by cyberworkz - 1
Clicking on Hit Results Not Working
#836 opened by 3preston - 1
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I could not find what I was looking for
#816 opened by lmolteni - 7
Algolia + instantsearch doesn't work on IE11
#817 opened by asvitlica-vega - 1
I could not find the number data type is not allowing to add into the attribute for faceting
#823 opened by mohamednaleem - 5
Can't perform facet count, as no facet is set
#820 opened by mohamednaleem - 2
#819 opened by mohamednaleem