⚡️ Libraries for building performant and instant search and recommend experiences with Algolia. Compatible with JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Vue.
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"Can't perform a React state update on a component that hasn't mounted yet. This indicates that you have a side-effect in your render function that asynchronously later calls tries to update the component. Move this work to useEffect instead."
#6428 opened by Ra0R - 5
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React InstantSearch NextJS not compatible with NextJS 15 (stable release as of 10/21): Not handling async request apis
#6409 opened by buyblvd-ryan - 0
InfiniteHits with transformItems broken when using createInstantSearchRouterNext
#6430 opened by backflip - 2
Documentation Wrong for Instant Scroll Demo
#6429 opened by mmorris8 - 3
react-instantsearch doesn't support algolia v5
#6426 opened by TheOrcDev - 3
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'hits')
#6404 opened by bitttttten - 7
error TS2322: Type '{ hitsPerPage: number; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & PlainSearchParameters'. Property 'hitsPerPage' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & PlainSearchParameters'. 70 <Configure hitsPerPage={4} />
#6343 opened by spacecat - 7
react-instantsearch-nextjs 0.3.13 issues
#6393 opened by anthonybachour - 1
aroundRadius typing can generate infinite render
#6391 opened by lildesert - 1
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FlatList not refreshing properly with useInfiniteHits in React Native
#6366 opened by FXStreetDeveloper - 1
Website Documentation CSS layout cuts out information
#6373 opened by mmorris8 - 6
Fix storybook examples
#6368 opened by gaetansenn - 2
Instantsearch server-side rendering is also fetching on the client when using multi-index query in development environment
#6348 opened by chrisvltn - 1
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Crawler will not read the sitemap URL
#6361 opened by taylor-greene-ef - 0
Category filter is not applied by InstantSearchNext when the url is opened via next/link
#6359 opened by pkutsenko - 2
InstantSearch w/ NextJs App Router - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'transporter')
#6350 opened by Rachidba - 1
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Next.js 14 App Router example doesn't work...
#6338 opened by dimonets - 2
Dynamically rendering Index components from arrays results in incorrect teardown on unmount
#6323 opened by ikesau - 2
Issue with URL Parameters Being Cleared AUTOMATICALLY by Algolia Wrapper in Next.js App router dir.
#6330 opened by dharmveer97 - 3
Incorrect typing of ConfigureConnectorParams
#6329 opened by Bcavez - 7
Hydration Issues with NextJS 14 App Router
#6307 opened by KallendJack - 8
Installation problem: Property 'MarkerOptions' does not exist on type 'typeof maps''
#6253 opened by Annoxis - 1
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Trouble building instantsearch.js from source
#6301 opened by Janik-Haag - 6
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create-instantsearch-app --config.json builds an app that doesn't work
#6302 opened by davie-robertson - 3
Configure props of type PlainSearchParameters instead of SearchParameters (react-instantsearch)
#6297 opened by natedx - 3
Refinement list gets populated and empty again when entering search page directly from URL
#6293 opened by samanthaacosta - 0
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Circular dependency in `react-instantsearch-core`
#6292 opened by andrewgaun - 1
Refinement search input resets when a refinement with a different attribute is selected
#6277 opened by DmitriyMaltsevTakeda - 10
Unnecessary client-side query with SSR
#6258 opened by sefai - 0
Dynamic Code Evaluation error in next.js
#6249 opened by TariqSaiyad - 2
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Headers are being used in client component
#6232 opened by RobinGiel - 0
Duplicated queries network request when using search-insights setAuthenticatedUserToken
#6216 opened by Ali-hd - 0
infinite hits (vue-instantsearch): isLastPage has wrong value after loading previous items
#6213 opened by oliverbeck-dev - 2
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Duplicate entries on useInfiniteHits hits property
#6182 opened by andretauffer - 4
bug: vue-instantsearch issues with vue 3.4
#6164 opened by tkjaergaard