
Simple docker based environment for WordPress plugins and themes development.

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Simple docker based environment for WordPress plugins and themes development.


  • docker (native, no boot2docker)
  • docker-compose

Launch the environment

Be sure you have nothing running on port 80, and also that you are using the native version of Docker.

$ ./restart.sh

You should now be able to access the WordPress instance on http://localhost and the admin panel on http://localhost/wp-admin/.

If you get a lot of errors like the following, simply restart docker:

Warning: copy(/var/www/html//wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/category.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in phar:///bin/wp/php/commands/core.php on line 220

Launch environment without loosing database state

If at some point you containers stopped and you don't want to loose your database state, simply run:

$ docker-compose up

Connect to the WordPress admin UI

Go to http://localhost/wp-admin/

Admin user credentials:

  • login: admin
  • password: admin


The whole WordPress dir is mounted as a volume so that you can edit anything on the fly in ./wordpress.

Developing WordPress plugins and themes

Simply drop your plugins in the wordpress/wp-content/plugins directory or your themes in the wordpress/wp-content/themes directory.

As an alternative you could also directly upload zip archives via the admin UI.

You should now be able to enable the themes and plugins from the WordPress backoffice.

No need to restart the docker container as the whole WordPress directory is mounted as a volume. You can modify any file on the fly.

Also note that when you restart your container, plugin and theme files are kept, only core files and database will be reset.