
AlienFX lightchip control on AlienWare hardware using GNU C++

Primary LanguageC++

      Alienware AlienFX Light Manipulation Program in GNU C++ for Linux
Building source code requires libusb-1.0 headers.
If you are missing them on Debian, issue command:
  apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

To build source:
  cd alienfx/
  make build

To install to userland:
  sudo make install

To make a Debian package (i386 or amd64):
  make deb

To make source tarball:
  make tarball
Alienware AlienFX Light Manipulation Program v1.0
Usage:    alienfx [options]
   or     alienfx -h
  -c ZnnM[RGB[RGB]]..   Lightchip Command
  -d <num>  Set morph/flash delay time. (1=Fastest to 10=Slowest)
  -h        This helpful message
  -p <num>  Apply a preset. Use '0' to get a list. Implies ignorance of -c.
  -P <hex>  Specify the hex ProductID of lightchip
  -r        Reset chip; software reset of lightchip
  -R        Reboot chip; hardware reset of lightchip
  -s <num>  Save to PowerBlock (for load-on-boot, etc)
  -t <num>  Increase USB timing delay by increment (1 to 100)
  -u        Show USB debug if needed
  -v        Show verbose debug output
  -w        Check for lightchip ready (excess,slow)
  -X <num>  Raw command mode. Expects nine 0-255 values
Each Command is made up of Z (zone), M (mode) and RGB (colour) values.
Zone is either 00=All or 01-27.
Mode is either B=Blink, M=Morph or F=Fixed.
RGB is three single-digits of hex. Specify two colours, even if 2nd unused.
Zones are either 1 or 0. 1 is on, 0 is off. There are sixteen zones.
PowerBlock is either 0=Default, 1=Bootup, 5=AC, 6=Charge, 7=BattLow or 8=Batt.
Defaults: Power=ALL, Zones=ALL, Mode=FIXED, RGB=000(black)
Permanently saving the settings into lightchip not available on some models.
If called with no arguments the lights will silently turn off.
For example commands see the preset list.
See 'man alienfx' for more information.
Supported models:  Now, before you complain about it not turning your kit
into a flashing disco pad, respect the fact many revisions of the AlienWare
light chip have been made.   Generally, the 'lsusb' command will reveal the
product-ID of your chip.

Currently, the follow models are known and programmed for:
      Model                  Vendor:Product
	M11X                   187c:0514
	M11X R3                187c:0522	
	M15X                   187c:0512
	M17X                   187c:0512
	Aurora (non-ALX)       187c:0513
	Area51                 187c:0511

If your USB device is not listed, please output the result of the 
'lsusb -v' (run it as root) and mail it to <simon@tibble.net> and I
will do my best to work with you by email to get the program working
on your equipment.

I have built this on 64-bit hardware, though I include a 32-bit binary for
completeness - and this is untested!  64-bit is known working.
         This AlienFX program is not endorsed by Alienware or Dell.