
This image is based on vanilla spark image and Setup Wizard Deployment Guide from, The spark image is the most popular spark image on docker hub,, so the baseline is:

  • CentOS 6.5
  • Hadoop 2.6.0
  • Spark 1.6.0
  • JDK 1.5

Most of them are a little bit old, i agree, which brings some pb for me, see below

How to build image

docker build -t "image name":"image version" .

Lessons learnt

It takes much more time to build this image, lots of trivial problem, so i decided to write them down and anyone else who wants to install kylo manually might be interested.

  • ElasticSearch & JDK 7 - ES requires JDK 7.0+ ; Kylo installation includes JDK 8.0 but after ElasticSearch installation - Solution: Swap the steps
  • ElasticSearch requires kernel parameter modification - Set “vm.max_map_count” to 262144 - Docker 0.11 restrict accessing /proc & /sys for security by default - Solution 1: Privileged container -> not valid - Only in runtime (“docker run”) but not in build phase (”docker build”) - Solution 2: Modify the host parameter, VM runs the Docker daemon, see
  • MySQL & MariaDB
    • MySQL 5.7.7+ required for long table index
    • Complicated initial password setup since MySQL 5.7
    • MariaDB is fork of MySQL with high compatibility, i.e JDBC driver
  • Hive server related
    • By default, Hiverserver2 will suffer with insufficient PermGen space, then it ends up connection refuse when connects it through JDBC. So, you have to add some JVM options in hive-site.xml to increase the PermGen space.
  • Spark SQL interact with Hive
    • Access the same Metastore
    • User access to Hive
      • Pb: Spark-shell launch by kylo-spark-shell as ”kylo” user
      • Solution: Create dfs dir “/user/hive/warehouse” and change owner to kylo
    • SparkSQL and Hive2 schema version incompatibility issue
      • Pb: independent of the version of Hive, Spark SQL will compile against Hive 1.2.1
      • Solution: Ignore schema version validation in hive, see hive-site.xml
  • kylo related
    • There is a common security key namely "security.jwt.key" configed in of both kylo-ui and kylo-services which are generated in kylo post-installation, they should have the same value, otherwise there will be some HTTP 401 Unauthorized error. So be careful when replace the

How to run

  1. Change "vm.max_map_count" kernel varialble in the VM running docker daemon: So if you are using macbook with Docker for Mac installed (note, docker for mac is different from previous generation of docker on mac which is Docker machine, then you can follow steps below
# Launch a termal in your macbook and start a screen session to connect to the VM which is the host of docker containers
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
# Click "enter" once to get shell promot, then type in shell command "login"
/ # login
# input login credential, root/<empty password>
moby login: root
# Input empty pwd by click enter
# Set the parameter
moby:~#sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
# Then you can check if this parameter is set:
moby:~# sysctl vm.max_map_count
# You should see sth like below
vm.max_map_count = 262144
# At the end exit the screen session by type in Ctrl-A + D to exist the screen session, Hold Ctrl and A together then click D.
  1. Start container
docker run -it -v <absoluate path of your local directory to be mounted to container>:/var/share -p 8400:8400 -p 8079:8079 -p 3306:3306 -p 10000:10000 keven4ever/kylo_docker:kylo- bash
  1. After few mins, access http://localhost:8400 from host browser and login with dladmin/thinkbig
  2. After login, import template first, then create a categoly, then start to import feed.