
Create Garmin Connect workouts with a "turbo language" and schedule them.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Details: https://www.sydspost.nl/index.php/2023/04/12/3214/ Create Garmin Connect workouts with a "turbo language" and schedule them.

Multiple sports

The Workout and Schedule creator is tested with the following sports:

  • strength training
  • cardio training
  • yoga
  • pilates
  • hiit
  • swimming
  • running
  • cycling


The Workouts creator uses the following "language" to define a workout:

0-9 defines distance or time, f.e. 100m or 15:30 minutes
c    indicator hat the numbers before the "c" are calories, f.e. 100c means burn 100 calories with this workoutstep
m    indicator that the numbers before the "m" is a distance, f.e. 100m
r    indicator that the number before the "r" is the number of itterations of a workoutstep, f.e. 10r means 10 push-ups
:    indicator that the 2 numbers before and after the ":" are a time-definition, f.e. 15:30
Z    zone, f.e. Z0 for Zone zero
*    indicator that the number after the "*" indicates the number of iterations of the repeat group
!    indicator that the digits after the "!" indicate the Stroketype or Steptype, f.e. !SS is stroketype "Schoolslag" (dutch for breaststroke)
     or !WUP for steptype 'Warming up'
@    indicator that the digits after the "@" indicate a Zone, KGR (Weight), RPM or BPM, f.e. 7kgr, 100bpm or 80rpm
&    indicator that the digits after "&" indicate an excercise, f.e. push-up
(    start of a repeat group, f.e. (100m!SS + 00:20!RUST) * 2 (RUST is dutch for Rest)
)    end of a repeat group
+    next workoutstep
#    end of line (optional)

Couple of examples:

Swimming: 300m!ES@Z1 + (200m!BC@Z1 + 50m!SS + 00:20!RUST)*4 + (25m!BC@Z3)*6 + 250m!SS
Running:   15:00!WUP + (05:00@Z2 + 03:00!RUST) * 4 + 10:00@Z1 + (01:00@Z3 + 01:00!RUST) * 3 + 15:00!COOL
Cycling:     90:00@Z1@100rpm
Pilates:      10r!WUP&SA + 00:10&3WWCF + 100c!COOL&FP


--XLSX_filename Specify input XLSX filename, default is "workoutschedule.xlsx"
--output_dir Specify output dir for JSON workout files, default is current directory
-v, --verbose Show debug information
-u, --username Garmin Connect username
-p, --password Garmin Connect password
-n, --noschedule Don 't add workouts to calendar
-w, --noworkout Don 't add workouts to Garmin Connect (implicit --n --noschedule)


  • Python 3.10.7 or higher
  • Garmin Connect account
  • Chrome 111.0.5563.147 or higher

Depends on OpenPyXL: A python library to read/write Excel, https://pypi.org/project/openpyxl/ GarminConnect: Python 3 API wrapper for Garmin Connect, https://github.com/cyberjunky/python-garminconnect Helium: Web automation, https://github.com/mherrmann/selenium-python-helium

Install pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional: Create an executable of the workouts.py script

pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller --onefile workouts.py

Chrome extension "Share your Garmin Connect workout" Uploading and scheduling a workout depends on the Chrome extension Share your Garmin Connect workout (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/share-your-garmin-connect/kdpolhnlnkengkmfncjdbfdehglepmff). The in this repository included crx file can be outdated. In that case you can easily download and save the latest version of the extension as following:


You can add your Garmin Connect user credentials to secrets.py

# Secrets file, containing Garmin Connect username and password
username = "change secrets.py or use -u argument" # change this to your Garmin Connect username
password = "change secrets.py or use -p argument" # change this to your Garmin Connect password

Excel sheet

The Workout creator uses a Excel spreadsheet for defining scheduling workouts, describe workouts and workouttypes. The Excel spreadsheet has 3 obligatory worksheets called "Schedule", "Workout" and "workoutType", don't change the names of these 3 worksheets !

The worksheet "Schedule" contains the following columns:

Date: Date for scheduling the workout in your Garmin Connect Calendar
Workout: Lookup field for a defined workout in the Workout worksheet
Comments: Commenting your Workout, this comment is also visible in your Garmin Connect Workout. Max. 512 characters

The worksheet "Workout" contains the following columns:

Name: Name of the workout, max. 80 characters
sportType: Type of sport. Important to add also this sportType to the worksheet workoutType (explained hereunder)
Description: The workout description based on the workout creator language as explained here above

The worksheet "workoutType" contains the following columns:

Name: Short name of the workout type
Value: Reference to the Garmin Connect API definitions f.e. swimStrokeType, stepTypeId of sportTypeId.
Access to the Garmin API documentation is only granted to professional developers, so getting these
values is only possible via reversed engineering. So define a workout with the appropiate sport type,
step type and/oR swimstroke type. Export this workout to json format and open the downloaded file in a
editor/viewer. Determine the appropiate values for sportTypeId, stepTypeId or swimStrokeTypeId or other Id's
and coupled workoutType
apiType: definition of the Id type, f.e. sportTypeId or stepTypeId etc.
workoutType: definition of the workoutType or excercise, also use reversed engineering to find out the appropiate values
category: category of the excercise, also use reversed engineering to find out the appropiate values
Description: Free description, is not used by the workout creator

! Hidden rows are skipped !

Reversed engeneering a new workout type

If you want to add a new Sporttype, for example "Yoga", you can follow the following steps.

  1. Create an Yoga workout in Garmin Connect, filled with your favorite trainingtypes as workout steps. Save it.
  2. Download the workout to your desktop and open it with notepad
  3. Select all text and copy it to your clipboard
  4. Open https://jsonlint.com/ and paste the text, click on "Validate JSON". JSONLint tides and validates the messy JSON code.
  5. Search for sportTypeId. In this example the sportTypeId is "7" and the sportTypeKey = "yoga"

Known limitations

Multisport workouts, like Duathlon of Triathlon ain't supported in Garmin Connect, add seperate workouts as work-arround