
About Simple web application where users can do simple calculator operations.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JS Calculator

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Introduction  ✦  Stack  ✦  Features  ✦  Setup  ✦  Usage  ✦  License

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The Calculator is a simple, user-friendly application designed to help individuals perform basic arithmetic calculations efficiently. Built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, this calculator offers a sleek, responsive design that works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile browsers. Users can easily add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using an intuitive interface. The calculator features a clear display for both the current operation and the result, enhancing usability. With its straightforward functionality and elegant design, this calculator is an essential tool for anyone needing quick and reliable calculations without the need for a physical device.


  • HTML - Markup language for web pages.
  • CSS - Styles web content.
  • Javascript - High-level, interpreted programming language.


  • Basic Arithmetic Functions: Allows users to perform the four fundamental arithmetic operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


To use the Todo App, simply clone the repository to your local machine:

1. Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/algorodev/js-calc-app

2. Move to cloned directory

cd js-calc-app

Since this project consists only of static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), you can open the index.html file in any modern web browser to start using the app immediately.


  1. Entering Numbers: Click on the "number" buttons to enter numbers into the calculator. The numbers will appear in the display area.
  2. Performing Operations: After entering the first number, click an "operation" button (+, -, *, /) to set the desired operation. Enter the second number. Press the "equals" button (=) to display the result.
  3. Continuous Calculations: After pressing equals, you can continue to perform operations on the result displayed. Select another operator and enter a new number to proceed with further calculations based on the displayed result.
  4. Clearing the Display: If you need to start a new calculation or correct an error, press the clear button (C) or the backspace button (CE). This will erase the current operation and result, allowing you to start fresh.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.