
Simple web application where users can add, remove, and mark tasks as complete with persistence of the data on the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JS Todo List

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The Todo App is a simple, user-friendly application designed to help individuals manage their daily tasks efficiently. Built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, this app offers a sleek, responsive design that works on both desktop and mobile browsers. Users can add and delete tasks, and mark tasks as completed, with persistence of the data on the browser.


  • HTML - Markup language for web pages.
  • CSS - Styles web content.
  • Javascript - High-level, interpreted programming language.


  • Add Tasks: Easily add new tasks to your todo list.
  • Delete Tasks: Remove tasks from your list once they are no longer needed.
  • Mark as Completed: Check off tasks as you complete them, keeping track of your accomplishments.
  • Persistence: Your tasks are saved in the browser's local storage, so they remain available across sessions.


To use the Todo App, simply clone the repository to your local machine:

1. Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/algorodev/js-todo-app

2. Move to cloned directory

cd js-todo-app

Since this project consists only of static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), you can open the index.html file in any modern web browser to start using the app immediately.


  1. Adding a Task: Click on the "Submit" button or press Enter to add a new task to your list.
  2. Deleting a Task: Click on the delete icon button next to the task you wish to remove.
  3. Marking a Task as Completed: Click on the label of the task to mark it as completed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.