
Ruby parser for financial statements from bank Slovenská Sporiteľňa

Primary LanguageRuby



There are 2 ways how to get HB formatted file.

  1. In SLSP internet banking choose "turnovers" and there you can export actual view. It will download HB formatted report.

  2. Creating scheduled daily / monthly email reports in HB format. Email will include attached password encrypted file which will contain the HB formatted file .txt. Encryption password can be set in personal preferences.

Parse HB formatted report

str = File.read("hb_formatted_file.txt"))

parser = SLSP::Parsers::HB.new(str)
transactions = parser.parse

puts transactions.inspect

Retrieve HB formatted report from email (GMail only)

slsp = SLSP::Connector.new("email", "password", "archive password")
emails = slsp.find_emails

for email in emails
  file = slsp.extract_archive(email)
  str = slsp.read_archive(file[:data])

  parser = SLSP::Parsers::HB.new(str)
  transactions = parser.parse

  puts transactions.inspect
