Started with Robotics. Graduated with a computer science degree. Programming, sleeping and drinking sweat tea.
Pinned Repositories
Github Pages setup example for CS 186
Archive for classwork on computer architecture
Archive for classwork on data structures and algorithms
Archive for classwork on using Java for OOD and OO systems
Google Cloud Tech Career Training: Technology capstone projects help students develop critical thinking, learn how to solve problems, improve their communication and critical thinking skills, research, teamwork, presentation skills, etc. It also builds up the student’s resume and demonstrates learning.
This Hackathon is designed to further your soft skills in working within a development team. From the project specifications to design and deployment, a development team is made up of individuals with multiple skill sets.
Extending the xv6 operating system to support docker like containers (Summer 2020: May 29th - August 10th)
final project for CS 486
Treehouse learning course section on SQLAlchemy basics
Each coach will be the lead scrum master for a team of four students. The coach serves the team where needed and keeps the tempo of the team in order to launch products on time. The coach's role is to remove blockers or impediments that hinder project progress. It's important that the coach helps the team estimate and increase/decrease velocity when needed. Coaches monitor and improve group dynamics. A coach coaches, motivates, inspires, lifts morale, and shows love to their team. The coach provides a third hand to whatever part of the project needs assistance at a certain time. A coach is someone who develops students to be better than they think they can be. A coach creates discipline, is firm, is optimistic, has desire to improve, and shows sympathy to the youth. Coaches are detail oriented, they take time to get to know the youth and they take time to become familiar with the product that is being built. Coaches encourage team members to reach for excellence and to master their talents.
alhanson7210's Repositories
Google Cloud Tech Career Training: Technology capstone projects help students develop critical thinking, learn how to solve problems, improve their communication and critical thinking skills, research, teamwork, presentation skills, etc. It also builds up the student’s resume and demonstrates learning.
Extending the xv6 operating system to support docker like containers (Summer 2020: May 29th - August 10th)
final project for CS 486
Github Pages setup example for CS 186
Archive for classwork on computer architecture
Archive for classwork on data structures and algorithms
Archive for classwork on using Java for OOD and OO systems
This Hackathon is designed to further your soft skills in working within a development team. From the project specifications to design and deployment, a development team is made up of individuals with multiple skill sets.
Treehouse learning course section on SQLAlchemy basics
Each coach will be the lead scrum master for a team of four students. The coach serves the team where needed and keeps the tempo of the team in order to launch products on time. The coach's role is to remove blockers or impediments that hinder project progress. It's important that the coach helps the team estimate and increase/decrease velocity when needed. Coaches monitor and improve group dynamics. A coach coaches, motivates, inspires, lifts morale, and shows love to their team. The coach provides a third hand to whatever part of the project needs assistance at a certain time. A coach is someone who develops students to be better than they think they can be. A coach creates discipline, is firm, is optimistic, has desire to improve, and shows sympathy to the youth. Coaches are detail oriented, they take time to get to know the youth and they take time to become familiar with the product that is being built. Coaches encourage team members to reach for excellence and to master their talents.
Archive for classwork on operating systems
Archive for classwork on parallel computing in c
Archive for classwork on building a search engine
Professional website using nodejs, bulma, angular, and github pages
portfolio project
Programming problems and unit testing for these given problems in python[mainly]
Development project to utilize google cloud services
CS 486 - Special Topic: Deploying Working Software => Learning to instill confidence in the quality of software being deployed to production. To achieve that requires automated tests, containerizing applications, and deploy across different environments
The Diversineer's Club Website Using the Mean Stack
This exercise will get you hands-on with Docker so that you can see what it takes to deploy a web application
The app is a simple website that I built to showcase my skills. It is a single page application that uses the Flask framework. The app is deployed on Google App Engine.
Google Cloud Development Training Program Sandbox Idea: CLI tool that helps estimate how much it costs to use gcp services
Team building activities and projects to foster comfortability with team environments and interdependent group work
My clone repository
Developing web knowledge through practice