GitHub Action: luminsports-php-cs-fixer

A composite action which combines php-cs-fixer, checkstyle annotation generation and automated pull-requests. See friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer, jwgmeligmeyling/checkstyle-github-action and peter-evans/create-pull-request.

Use PHP-CS-Fixer via Github Action.

- uses: luminsports/github-action-php-cs-fixer@main
    # Which php-cs-fixer release to download.
    # Default: v3.7.0
    php-cs-fixer-version: ""

    # Whether to create annotations based on checkstyle results.
    # Default: true
    create-annotations: ""

    # Name for the check run to create. Default: PHP-CS-Fixer.
    # Default: PHP-CS-Fixer
    annotation-name: ""

    # Title for the check run to create. Default: PHP-CS-Fixer Results.
    # Default: PHP-CS-Fixer Results
    annotation-title: ""

    # Whether to create a pull request to fix php-cs-fixer issues.
    # Default: true
    create-pull-request: ""

    # The message to use when committing code style fixes.
    # Default: style(php-cs-fixer): Fix code-style
    commit-message: ""

    # The title of the pull request.
    # Default: Fix PHP code-style in ${{ github.ref }}
    pull-request-title: ""

    # A comma or newline separated list of assignees (GitHub usernames).
    # Default:
    pull-request-assignees: ""

    # A comma or newline separated list of reviewers (GitHub usernames) to request a
    # review from.
    # Default:
    pull-request-reviewers: ""

    # A comma or newline separated list of GitHub teams to request a review from. Note
    # that a `repo` scoped Personal Access Token (PAT) may be required.
    # Default:
    pull-request-team-reviewers: ""

    # The pull request branch name.
    # Default: php-cs-fixer/${{ github.ref }}
    pull-request-branch: ""

    # A comma or newline separated list of labels.
    # Default: php-cs-fixer
    pull-request-labels: ""
Input Description Default Required
php-cs-fixer-version Which php-cs-fixer release to download. v3.7.0 false
create-annotations Whether to create annotations based on checkstyle results. true false
annotation-name Name for the check run to create. Default: PHP-CS-Fixer. PHP-CS-Fixer false
annotation-title Title for the check run to create. Default: PHP-CS-Fixer Results. PHP-CS-Fixer Results false
create-pull-request Whether to create a pull request to fix php-cs-fixer issues. true false
commit-message The message to use when committing code style fixes. style(php-cs-fixer): Fix code-style false
pull-request-title The title of the pull request. Fix PHP code-style in ${{ github.ref }} false
pull-request-assignees A comma or newline separated list of assignees (GitHub usernames). false
pull-request-reviewers A comma or newline separated list of reviewers (GitHub usernames) to request a review from. false
pull-request-team-reviewers A comma or newline separated list of GitHub teams to request a review from. Note that a repo scoped Personal Access Token (PAT) may be required. false
pull-request-branch The pull request branch name. php-cs-fixer/${{ github.ref }} false
pull-request-labels A comma or newline separated list of labels. php-cs-fixer false
Output Description Default Required
checkstyle-result Checkstyle report generate by php-cs-fixer
pull-request-number The pull request number
pull-request-url The URL of the pull request.
pull-request-operation The pull request operation performed by the action, created, updated or closed.
pull-request-head-sha The commit SHA of the pull request branch.