To install this library, run:
$ npm install angular4-word-cloud --save
$ npm install d3 --save
// In your App's module:
imports: [
Then add add the script to .angular-cli.json
"scripts": [
There are one directive for word cloud: ag-word-cloud
, to use it just add this block on your html file:
<div AgWordCloud
// Create Work Cloud Data Array
wordData: Array<AgWordCloudData> = [// Words];
// Word Cloud Options
options = {
settings: {
minFontSize: 10,
maxFontSize: 100,
textRotation: 0 // see below
margin: {
top: 10,
right: 10,
bottom: 10,
left: 10
labels: true // false to hide hover labels
(Array<WordCloudData> | WordCloudData[]
) - set of words, it should beArray<WordCloudData>
and each object must have atext
; -
(?Array<string> | string[]
) - data colors, will use default and|or random colors if not specified. -
) - word cloud options and there are two object you can pass itsettings
(?number | RotationFunction
): accepts a number (angle) which all words in the cloud will be rotated at (ie 0 means no rotation). Alternatively a function can be passed which returns a number (to be called on each word in the cloud)margin
of canvastop, left, bottom, right
, Default values is 10.labels
show Size label at the bottom
of canvas, the Default value for width is the width of the container, and the height equals the width * 0.75.
Returns the word clicked
It can be setted as:
First of all you need to add a reference for your div:
<div WordCloud #word_cloud_chart=word-cloud [wordData]="word_cloud" [height]="300"></div>
Update your component to this:
export class MyComponent implements ..... {
@ViewChild('word_cloud_chart') word_cloud_chart: WordCloudDirective;
word_cloud: Array<WordCloudData> = [];
updateWordCloud(wordCloud: WordCloud) {
this.word_cloud.length = 0;
const temp = => {
return {text: res.word, size: res.score};
setTimeout(() => {
When ever you ready just call updateWordCloud
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- Use GitHub Issues board to report bugs and feature requests (not our email address)
- Please always write steps to reproduce the error. That way we can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching our heads trying to reproduce it.
Thanks for understanding!
MIT © Abdullah Alhazmy