
Utility package for the HERMES consortium

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


The goal of heRmes is to standardise the heart failure phenotyping of collections of electronic health records.


You can install the latest version of heRmes like so:

# install.packages("devtools")


The code lists underpinning the various phenotypes are stored in text files within the package structure at: inst/extdata/ukhdr_phenotypes. The format of the file matches that used by the UKHDR Phenotype Library, but the important columns are: code, description, coding_system.name, phenotype_id and phenotype_name. Below is an example of how to view the available phenotypes and obtain the codes.

Avaiable phenotypes

For example, view the first 5 phenotypes.

#>                         CCU002_02 Cardiomyopathy 
#>                                         "PH1002" 
#>                Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 
#>                                         "PH1024" 
#>                  Heart Failure (fatal/non-fatal) 
#>                                         "PH1028" 
#> Congestive heart failure - Charlson primary care 
#>                                         "PH1055" 
#>    Myocardial infarction - Charlson primary care 
#>                                         "PH1062"


View the codes for PH1645 corresponding to the HERMES Heart Failure phenotype.

# top 5 codes
get_codes(pheno_id = "PH1645")[1:5, c("phenotype_id", "phenotype_name", "coding_system.name", "code")]
#>    phenotype_id phenotype_name coding_system.name   code
#>          <char>         <char>             <char> <char>
#> 1:       PH1645  Heart failure         ICD9 codes  40201
#> 2:       PH1645  Heart failure         ICD9 codes  42832
#> 3:       PH1645  Heart failure         ICD9 codes  42821
#> 4:       PH1645  Heart failure         ICD9 codes  42823
#> 5:       PH1645  Heart failure         ICD9 codes  42820

Phenotyping a dataset

Create sample data. This can be in long (only one column containing diagnosis codes) or wide format (multiple columns containing diagnosis codes). n.b. prioritising coding based on diagnosis code position (e.g. primary vs. secondary vs. tertiary positions) is not currently supported.

n   <- 10
dat <- data.frame(ids   = paste0("ID_", c(1:(n/2), 1:(n/2))), 
                  codes = sample(c("I420", "foo", "bar", "baz"), n, replace = TRUE), 
                  codes1 = sample(c("I420", "foo", "bar", "baz"), n, replace = TRUE))
#>     ids codes codes1
#> 1  ID_1   baz   I420
#> 2  ID_2   baz   I420
#> 3  ID_3   bar    baz
#> 4  ID_4   foo    baz
#> 5  ID_5   baz    baz
#> 6  ID_1  I420    foo
#> 7  ID_2  I420    foo
#> 8  ID_3   baz    baz
#> 9  ID_4   foo    foo
#> 10 ID_5   foo   I420

Phenotype the individuals with phenotype PH1643 (heart failure syndrome) or PH1646 (cardiomyopathy), excluding phenotypes PH1637 (congenital heart disease) and PH1636 (myocardial infarction). There can be multiple included or excluded phenotypes given in a list.

result <- phenotype(x         = dat, 
                    id_col    = "ids",
                    code_cols = list("ICD10 codes" = c("codes", "codes1")), 
                    include   = list("PH1645"), 
                    exclude   = list("PH1637"))
#> Phenotyping...
#> [i] processing 10 records
#> [i] pivoting data longer
#> [i] getting inclusion phenotype codes from PhenoID(s) PH1645 
#> [i] getting exclusion phenotype codes from PhenoID(s) PH1637 
#> [i] assessing phenotype PH1645 
#> [i] assessing phenotype PH1637 
#> [i] summarising phenotyping of participants
#> [i] finished
#>       ids PH1645 PH1637   none include exclude overall
#>    <char> <lgcl> <lgcl> <lgcl>  <lgcl>  <lgcl>  <lgcl>

Code formatting issues

Many of the coding systems have slight formating differences - for example an ICD-10 code may appear as I509 or I50.9 in a dataset. The phenotype() provides a way to clean these codes through use of the gsub argument. This takes a 3 element list: [[1]] is a string representing the regular expression pattern, [[2]] is the replacement string, and [[3]] is a character or character vector which can be one or more of: x (apply to codes in x), pheno (apply to all codes in phenotypes), both (apply to everything), or a valid phenotype ID found in include or exclude (apply to specific phenotype datasets). Other arguments can be passed to gsub through ....

It is important to inspect your dataset (x) and phenotype coding (use get_codes()) prior to running the phenotyping to avoid join issues related to formatting differences.

Output formatting can be changed by altering the inputs. If the phenotype IDs are named, these names are used as column names in the result. The overall result is given in the column overall, although this can be renamed by giving the name parameter.

# change format
dat[10, "codes1"] <- "I42.0"
#>     ids codes codes1
#> 1  ID_1   baz   I420
#> 2  ID_2   baz   I420
#> 3  ID_3   bar    baz
#> 4  ID_4   foo    baz
#> 5  ID_5   baz    baz
#> 6  ID_1  I420    foo
#> 7  ID_2  I420    foo
#> 8  ID_3   baz    baz
#> 9  ID_4   foo    foo
#> 10 ID_5   foo  I42.0
# without dealing with the error ID_5 is incorrectly classified as no HF. 
wrong <- phenotype(x         = dat, 
                   id_col    = "ids",
                   code_cols = list("ICD10 codes" = c("codes", "codes1")),
                   include   = list(HF     = "PH1645"), 
                   exclude   = list(congHD = "PH1637"), 
                   name      = "Heart Failure")
#> Phenotyping...
#> [i] processing 10 records
#> [i] pivoting data longer
#> [i] getting inclusion phenotype codes from PhenoID(s) PH1645 
#> [i] getting exclusion phenotype codes from PhenoID(s) PH1637 
#> [i] assessing phenotype PH1645 
#> [i] assessing phenotype PH1637 
#> [i] summarising phenotyping of participants
#> [i] finished
#>       ids     HF congHD   none include exclude Heart Failure
#>    <char> <lgcl> <lgcl> <lgcl>  <lgcl>  <lgcl>        <lgcl>
#> 1:   ID_1  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 2:   ID_2  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 3:   ID_3  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 4:   ID_4  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 5:   ID_5  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
# deal with formatting issue using gsub
pheno <- phenotype(x         = dat, 
                   id_col    = "ids",
                   code_cols = list("ICD10 codes" = c("codes", "codes1")),
                   include   = list(HF     = "PH1645"), 
                   exclude   = list(congHD = "PH1637"), 
                   gsub      = list("\\.", "", c("x")),
                   name      = "Heart Failure")
#> Phenotyping...
#> [i] processing 10 records
#> [i] pivoting data longer
#> [i] cleaning input codes with regex [ \. ], replacement [  ]
#> [i] getting inclusion phenotype codes from PhenoID(s) PH1645 
#> [i] getting exclusion phenotype codes from PhenoID(s) PH1637 
#> [i] assessing phenotype PH1645 
#> [i] assessing phenotype PH1637 
#> [i] summarising phenotyping of participants
#> [i] finished
#>       ids     HF congHD   none include exclude Heart Failure
#>    <char> <lgcl> <lgcl> <lgcl>  <lgcl>  <lgcl>        <lgcl>
#> 1:   ID_1  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 2:   ID_2  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 3:   ID_3  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 4:   ID_4  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE
#> 5:   ID_5  FALSE  FALSE   TRUE   FALSE   FALSE         FALSE

Update library from UKHDR

This package’s phenotype library can be updated from the UKHDR Phenotype Library API using the below function. This queries the library for phenotypes matching enteries in the search_terms argument.

update_library(search_terms = c("heart failure", "cardiomyopathy", "myocardial infarction"))
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH25 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH182 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH530 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH531 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH631 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH687 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH968 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH993 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1028 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1055 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1074 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1603 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH129 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH145 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH185 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH961 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1002 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH215 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH356 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH481 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH530 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH611 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH612 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH613 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH741 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH886 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH942 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH949 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH988 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1024 - skipping, already exists
#> [i] reading phenotype id: PH1062 - skipping, already exists

Update library from UKHDR (unpublished)

This package’s phenotype library can be updated with unpublished/development phenotypes from the UKHDR Phenotype Library API using the below function. However, since unpublished phenotypes are not searchable by name, we need to pass the exact ID and also login details for the website (stored in a local .Renviron file in this example.)

# development phenotypes, ids named for readability only
hermes_phenos <- c(`Congenital heart disease`    = "PH1637",
                   `Heart failure`               = "PH1645")

# update
update_library(search_terms = c(), 
               ids          = hermes_phenos, 
               UKHDR_UN     = Sys.getenv("UKHDR_UN"), 
               UKHDR_PW     = Sys.getenv("UKHDR_PW"))

Plotting phenotype

To see the intersection of the codes in two or more phenotype files use the plot_code_overlap() function.

plot_code_overlap(pheno_ids = c("PH1645", "PH1028", "PH1055", "PH1074", "PH182", "PH25", "PH530", "PH531", "PH631", "PH687", "PH968", "PH993"), 
                  types = c("ICD10 codes", "ICD9 codes", "OPCS4 codes", "Read codes v2"))

ESC primary cardiomyopathy phenotypes

The primary cardiomyopathy phenotypes described in the ESC cardiomyopathy guidelines.