
HYB Simulation Platform

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


HYB (How You Been) is a versatile C++ quasi-neutral hybrid (QNH)
plasma simulation platform for the solar wind and plasma interactions
of celestial bodies. The HYB code is developed at the Finnish
Meteorological Institute and the Aalto University. The HYB code and
tools are distributed under the GPL v3 open source license by the
Finnish Meteorological Institute.

The latest version of HYB can be downloaded at:



sim/: The HYB simulation code
tools/: Tools to analyze HYB output files


HYB is a 3-dimensional code and uses Cartesian or spherical simulation
mesh. The Cartesian mesh can be hierarchically refined to adjust the
grid cell size within the simulation domain. HYB is a highly optimized
and memory efficient serial code designed for the Linux environment.

In the QNH approach positively charged ions are treated as macro
particle clouds moving under the Lorentz force and electrons are a
charge-neutralizing, massless fluid. The electron momentum equation
(Ohm's law) defines the electric field. Faraday's law is used to
propagate the magnetic field on the grid cell faces. Ampere's law
gives the electric current density. A Yee type staggered mesh keeps
magnetic field divergence-free.


We request acknowledging and citing the original code when publishing
or presenting results from HYB. The HYB developers are open for
scientific collaborations and further development of the code.

Example acknowledgement text:

"Simulations were performed using the HYB code distributed under the
open source GPL v3 license by the Finnish Meteorological Institute


Finnish Meteorological Institute:

Dr. Riku Jarvinen (riku.jarvinen@fmi.fi)

Aalto University:

Prof. Esa Kallio (esa.kallio@aalto.fi)


The reference list of scientific articles using the HYB code and
further information can be found at:


Copyright (c) 2014- Finnish Meteorological Institute