
i created chess game with java it also has AI player

Primary LanguageJava


this is a chess game that you can play with AI you or play it with two players that i write with Java.


  • Main

    • Variables:
      • Frame: it is JFrame and its the first menu of game
      • color: color of the background
    • Methods:
    • constructor: makes the frame and set it up
    • setScreen: add button, logo, ... to the first page
    • addChessIcon: add logo
    • addSinglePlayBt: add singlePlayer button
    • addTwoPlayBt: add twoPlayer button
    • addSavedGameBt: add save game button
    • startGameSinglePlayer: starts the game for single player
    • startGameTwoPlayer: starts the game for two player
    • startSavedGame: if there is a saved game it will start the save game
  • Board

    • Variables:
      • blackColor: color of the black squares
      • whiteColor: color of the white squares
      • moveColor: color of the possible squares to move
      • board: 2D array for the board state and the pieces position
      • width: width of the squares
      • height: height of the squares
      • playing: shows the game is for 2 player or one
      • aiPlayer: the AI player
      • whiteTurn: it is whites turn to play or no
      • aiPlaying: is AI playing
      • aiWhite: is AI white
      • possibleMoves: list of the possible squares to move for the chosen piece
      • movingPiece: which piece is selected to move
      • pieces: all the pieces
    • Methods:
      • ‫‪Constructor‬‬ 1: starting the game for two players
      • ‫‪Constructor‬‬ 2: continue the save game
      • ‫‪Constructor‬‬ 3: starting the game for one player
      • aiMove: makes the AI move
      • setSavedBoard: set the pieces possition in saved game and set the board
      • setPiece: give the pieces their first possition and add them to pieces
      • setBoard: creating the start state of the board and creating board variable
      • drawPiece: drawing pieces in the board and showing them
      • setChanges: it change the pieces possition by the new 2D array of the board
      • save: save the board in the save.txt
      • paint: colors the possibleMoves and pain the board
      • mouseClicked: if the clicked ‫‪square is one of the possible moves it change the piece possition or by the clicked piece it shows the possible squares to move
      • deadPiece: make the piece dead
  • Piece:

    • Variables:
      • width: width of the piece picture
      • height: height of the piece picture
      • isDead: the piece is dead
      • x: possition of the piece in the board
      • y: possition of the piece in the board
      • image: image of the piece
    • Methods:
      • paint: draw the piece
      • ‫‪possibleMoves‬‬: possible moves according to the board

Executing program

  • you can execute this game simply by running main function in Main.java it will show you the start page


ali alef