1) Web Fundamentals


  1. Dictionary-Entry
  2. Indentation-Fixing
  3. Registration-From
  4. Portfolio-Content


  1. Text-Styling
  2. Button-Up
  3. Plotting-Our-Blocks
  4. Flex our Blocks
  5. GitHub Blocks
  6. Flex Navbar
  7. FLEX-ible Columns
  8. User Card
  9. Profile Page
  10. About Python
  11. Internet (Optional)

+ JS

  1. Fizzbuzz
  2. Loop Challenges
  3. Button Clicker
  4. Video Preview
  5. Dojo Pizzeria
  7. Making Connections
  8. Dojo Weather
  9. Array Challenges
  10. Calculator



  1. Users
  2. Dojos and Ninjas
  3. Books
  4. Friendships
  5. Event Planner
  6. Blogs
  7. User Dashboard
  8. Normalization (Optional)


  1. MySQL Workbench Setup
  2. Users
  3. Dojo and Ninjas
  4. Books
  5. Friendships
  6. MySQL Countries
  7. Sakila


  1. practice_using_pip_in_a_virtual_environment
  2. hello_world
  3. For Loop Basic I
  4. Functions Basic I
  5. Functions Basic II
  6. For Loop Basic II
  7. Functions Intermediate I
  8. Functions Intermediate II


  1. User
  2. Chaining Methods (Optional)
  3. BankAccount
  4. Users with Bank Accounts
  5. Modular Practice


  1. Understanding Routing
  2. Playground
  3. Checkerboard
  4. HTML Table
  5. Dojo Survey
  6. Counter

Django 2.2 v4

Django Intro

  1. First Django Project
  2. Time Display
  3. Dojo Survey
  4. Counter
  5. Great Number Game
  6. Ninja Gold

Django orm

  1. Users (Shell)
  2. Users with Templates
  3. Dojo & Ninjas (Shell)
  4. Dojos & Ninjas with Template
  5. Books/Authors (Shell)
  6. Books/Authors with Templates
  7. Semi-Restful TV Shows
  8. Semi-Restful TV Shows Validated
  9. Amadon (Optional)
  10. Login and Registration
  11. The Wall
  12. Favorite Books

Java Foundations

  1. First Java Program
  2. Café Java
  3. Alfred Bod
  4. Café Business Logic
  5. Puzzling
  6. Map of the Hashmatique
  7. Lists of Exception

Java OOP

  1. Orders and Items
  2. Barista's Challenge
  3. BankAccount
  4. Coffeedore 64
  5. Zoo Keeper
  6. CareSoft Interfaces
  7. Abstract Art

Java Spring

  1. Daikichi Routes
  2. Hello Human
  3. Daikichi Path Variables
  4. Hopper's Reciept
  5. Display Date
  6. Fruity Loops
  7. Counter
  8. Omikuki Form
  9. Ninja Gold Game
  10. Books API
  11. Rendering Books
  12. All Books
  13. Save Travels
  14. Languages
  15. Dojos and Ninjas
  16. Product and Categories
  17. Login and Registration
  18. Book Club
  19. Book Broker
  20. Project Manager Extra Belt Reviewer
  21. Admin Dashboard
  22. Queries and Joins

Javascript Node, OOP and fundamentals

  1. Hoist
  2. Predict Destructuring
  3. Convert To Arrow
  4. Ninja
  5. Super Ninja
  6. It's Time to Duel
  7. Object Master


  1. First React
  2. First JSX
  3. Prop It Up
  4. Putting it Together
  5. Big Inversion
  6. Hook Form
  7. More Forms
  8. Form Validation (Optional)
  9. Box Generator
  10. Tabs
  11. Todo List
  12. Coin Flipping (Optional)
  13. Pokemon API
  14. Axios Pokemon API
  15. Routing Practice
  16. Luke APIwalker


  1. Postman + Pokemon
  2. Faker API


  1. Using MongoDB
  2. Jokes API

Full Stack MERN

  1. Product Manager (Part I)
  2. Product Manager (Part II)
  3. Product Manager (Part III)
  4. Refactor, Reuse, Recycle
  5. Authors
  6. Team Manager


  1. Creating the Handshake
  2. Chat App