
A CSV reader app of Employees data with xUnit tests

Primary LanguageC#

SynelApp - CSV File Validator/Reader and Tabulator

A web application for uploading and validating a CSV file about Employees, and displaying the data in a tabular format using tabulator.js. This application is built with .NET 6; to access the deployed solution, please follow the link here https://ali-alo-synelapp.azurewebsites.net

Table of Contents


  • .NET Core 6 application.
  • Upload CSV files for validation and display.
  • Data validation using FluentValidation.
  • Tabular display, filter, search and edit of data using tabulator.js.


Before you begin, ensure you have installed .NET 6 SDK.

Getting Started

To get a local copy of this project up and running, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/ali-alo/SynelApp
  2. Navigate to the app folder

    cd SynelApp/SynelApp
  3. Install required dependencies

    dotnet restore
  4. Set up the database

    dotnet ef database update
  5. Run the app

    dotnet run
  6. Access the app at http://localhost:5055


  1. Upload a CSV file using drag & drop or upload functionality.

  2. The application will validate the CSV data and display it in a tabular format using tabulator.js.

  3. Edit the fields of an employee directly inside the table, and the application will save changes.


Make sure your csv file has columns specified in the requirements data.csv file, otherwise the rows will not be processed. Refer to its reference below.

Personnel_Records.Payroll_Number Personnel_Records.Forenames Personnel_Records.Surname Personnel_Records.Date_of_Birth Personnel_Records.Telephone Personnel_Records.Mobile Personnel_Records.Address Personnel_Records.Address_2 Personnel_Records.Postcode Personnel_Records.EMail_Home Personnel_Records.Start_Date
COOP08 John William 26/01/1955 12345678 987654231 12 Foreman road London GU12 6JW nomadic20@hotmail.co.uk 18/04/2013
JACK13 Jerry Jackson 11/5/1974 2050508 6987457 115 Spinney Road Luton LU33DF gerry.jackson@bt.com 18/04/2013


This project includes xUnit tests to ensure the functionality works correctly. To run the tests, use the following commands:

  1. Navigate to the test folder

    cd ../SynelApp.Tests
  2. Install required dependencies

    dotnet restore
  3. Run the tests

    dotnet test