Project Name

One On One Chat application | Spring boot & WebSocket | By Alibou


Explore the world of WebSockets with Alibou, your experienced software engineer guide. If you missed our previous session delving into the magic of WebSockets and creating a lively group chat application, catch up here.

Today's focus is on real-time communication, as we build a one-on-one chat application that ensures private, secure conversations. Taking it a step further, we'll persist these chats in a MongoDB database.

Before diving into the code, a special mention for those keen on deepening their understanding of WebSockets. If you haven't checked out the introduction in the previous video, find the link in the description here.

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👨‍💻 I'm Alibou, excited to guide you through today's exploration. Let's embark on this coding adventure together, building a one-on-one chat application, uncovering WebSockets intricacies, and mastering the art of data persistence in MongoDB.

Here is a demo of the application

Future application

Full Tutorial link

Watch the Tutorial

Table of Contents


  • One to one chat application
  • Secure communication
  • Persistent chat

WebSocket Chat Flow

WebSocket Chat Flow


Provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and set up your project locally.

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Change into the project directory
cd your-project

# Build the project
./mvnw clean install


This project is mainly implement using the following technologies

  • Websocket
  • Spring Boot 3.x.x
  • MongoDB
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS