
Ruby SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

PayPal REST API Ruby SDK Build Status

The PayPal REST SDK provides Ruby APIs to create, process and manage payment.


  • Ruby 2.0.0 or above
  • Bundler


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'paypal-sdk-rest'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install paypal-sdk-rest


For Rails application:

rails g paypal:sdk:install

For other ruby application, create a configuration file(config/paypal.yml):

development: &default
  mode: sandbox
  client_id: EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM
  client_secret: EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM
  # # with Proxy
  # http_proxy: http://proxy-ipaddress:3129/
  # # with CA File
  # ssl_options:
  #   ca_file: config/cacert.pem
  # # Override Endpoint
  # rest_endpoint: https://api.sandbox.paypal.com
  <<: *default
  mode: live
  client_id: CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET

Load Configurations from specified file:

PayPal::SDK::Core::Config.load('spec/config/paypal.yml',  ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development')

Without configuration file:

  :mode => "sandbox", # "sandbox" or "live"
  :client_id => "EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
  :client_secret => "EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
  :ssl_options => { } )

Logger configuration:

PayPal::SDK.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)

# change log level to INFO
PayPal::SDK.logger.level = Logger::INFO

NOTE: At DEBUG level, all requests/responses are logged except when mode is set to live. In order to disable request/response printing, set the log level to INFO or less verbose ones.

OpenIDConnect Samples

require 'paypal-sdk-rest'

# Update client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri
  :openid_client_id     => "client_id",
  :openid_client_secret => "client_secret",
  :openid_redirect_uri  => "http://google.com"
include PayPal::SDK::OpenIDConnect

# Generate URL to Get Authorize code
puts Tokeninfo.authorize_url( :scope => "openid profile" )

# Create tokeninfo by using AuthorizeCode from redirect_uri
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.create("Replace with Authorize Code received on redirect_uri")
puts tokeninfo.to_hash

# Refresh tokeninfo object
tokeninfo = tokeninfo.refresh
puts tokeninfo.to_hash

# Create tokeninfo by using refresh token
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.refresh("Replace with refresh_token")
puts tokeninfo.to_hash

# Get Userinfo
userinfo = tokeninfo.userinfo
puts userinfo.to_hash

# Get logout url
put tokeninfo.logout_url

Create Payment

require 'paypal-sdk-rest'
include PayPal::SDK::REST

  :mode => "sandbox", # "sandbox" or "live"
  :client_id => "EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
  :client_secret => "EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM")

# Build Payment object
@payment = Payment.new({
  :intent => "sale",
  :payer => {
    :payment_method => "credit_card",
    :funding_instruments => [{
      :credit_card => {
        :type => "visa",
        :number => "4567516310777851",
        :expire_month => "11",
        :expire_year => "2018",
        :cvv2 => "874",
        :first_name => "Joe",
        :last_name => "Shopper",
        :billing_address => {
          :line1 => "52 N Main ST",
          :city => "Johnstown",
          :state => "OH",
          :postal_code => "43210",
          :country_code => "US" }}}]},
  :transactions => [{
    :item_list => {
      :items => [{
        :name => "item",
        :sku => "item",
        :price => "1",
        :currency => "USD",
        :quantity => 1 }]},
    :amount => {
      :total => "1.00",
      :currency => "USD" },
    :description => "This is the payment transaction description." }]})

# Create Payment and return the status(true or false)
if @payment.create
  @payment.id     # Payment Id
  @payment.error  # Error Hash

Get Payment details

# Fetch Payment
payment = Payment.find("PAY-57363176S1057143SKE2HO3A")

# Get List of Payments
payment_history = Payment.all( :count => 10 )

Execute Payment

Only for Payment with payment_method as "paypal"

payment = Payment.find("PAY-57363176S1057143SKE2HO3A")

if payment.execute( :payer_id => "DUFRQ8GWYMJXC" )
  # Success Message
  # Note that you'll need to `Payment.find` the payment again to access user info like shipping address
  payment.error # Error Hash

Create Future Payment

Future Payments sample is available here

Webhook event validation

See webhook event validation code sample and webhook event validation docs

OpenID Connect

# Update client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri
  :openid_client_id     => "client_id",
  :openid_client_secret => "client_secret",
  :openid_redirect_uri  => "http://google.com"
include PayPal::SDK::OpenIDConnect

# Generate authorize URL to Get Authorize code
puts Tokeninfo.authorize_url( :scope => "openid profile" )

# Create tokeninfo by using Authorize Code from redirect_uri
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.create("Replace with Authorize Code received on redirect_uri")

# Refresh tokeninfo object

# Create tokeninfo by using refresh token
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.refresh("Replace with refresh_token")

# Get Userinfo
userinfo = tokeninfo.userinfo

# Get Userinfo by using access token
userinfo = Userinfo.get("Replace with access_token")

# Get logout url
logout_url = tokeninfo.logout_url

Bitdeli Badge


To make Payouts, you should enable this option in your account at http://developer.paypal.com.

@payout = Payout.new(
    :sender_batch_header => {
      :sender_batch_id => SecureRandom.hex(8),
      :email_subject => 'You have a Payout!',
    :items => [
        :recipient_type => 'EMAIL',
        :amount => {
          :value => '1.0',
          :currency => 'USD'
        :note => 'Thanks for your patronage!',
        :receiver => 'shirt-supplier-one@mail.com',
        :sender_item_id => "2014031400023",

  @payout_batch = @payout.create
  logger.info "Created Payout with [#{@payout_batch.batch_header.payout_batch_id}]"
rescue ResourceNotFound => err
  logger.error @payout.error.inspect