
Simple blog application with oAuth enabled for user registration and login and integrate 2 factor authentication for posts. Integrate 2FA using Twillio Authy app & SMS.




  • Docker (Latest Version)
  • Docker Compose (Latest Version)


Docker on Linux/Mac:

Setup Application:

  1. Run docker-compose up --build
  2. Run docker-compose run app yarn install --check-files to load node_nodules in docker container
  3. Open a new Tab and run docker-compose run app rails db:create db:migrate
  4. Run rails sample_data:load_db_to_docker
  5. Paste the master.key in config directory. You have to Obtain it from the Code Owner
  6. Visit localhost:3000 to your browser
  7. There you go 🎉

Setup Manually


  • Ruby 2.5.3
  • Rails 5.2.3
  • Postgres (Latest Version)


Ruby on Rails Installation on Linux/Mac:

  • Visit Go Rails
  • Under Guides->Installation, follow all the steps to install Ruby on Rails

App uses sidekiq as background worker, which requires

Redis Installation:

  • Linux sudo apt-get install redis-server
  • Mac brew install redis

Setup Application:

Once Rails/Ruby installed, app can be configured by following below steps:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run bundle and yarn install --check-files
  3. Run cp config/webpacker.manual.yml config/webpacker.yml
  4. Run cp config/database.manual.yml config/database.yml
  5. Update .env.development with your Postgres username/password
  6. Run rails db:create db:migrate
  7. Run rails sample_data:load_db to get the Sample Data
  8. Paste the master.key in config directory. You have to Obtain it from the Code Owner
  9. Run cp
  10. Run foreman start --procfile
  11. There you go 🎉