Radar Microservice is a microservice that provides a RESTful API for HealthCheck and Documentation page and also a SSE Protocol for managing and broadcasting market tokens price changes in real-time to the Connected Clients. Price changes are published to the Redis Pub/Sub Channel by the PriceEngine Microservice and Radar create a subscribe connection to the Redis and read the changes and broadcast the changes if needed.
- *Bun
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Infisical Token: Your Personal Vault Access Token to load the system environment keys
To get started with this microservice, simply paste this command into your terminal:
$ bun install\
&& cp -R .env.example .env.development.local
To start the Production server, run:
$ bun run dev
To start the Development server, run:
$ bun run build\
&& bun run start
To run this microservice in Docker, run:
docker-compose up -d
Open http://localhost:4045/api/v1/docs/ with your browser to see the result.