Uses a webcam with a coral AI edgeTPU to create a lightgun.
It uses an object detection model to identify the monitor in the view (selecting the highest confidence score object if multiple are detected). It then moves the mouse cursor to where the camera is pointed relative to the bounding box.
Currently it runs at about 3 actions per second (limited by opencv frame grab, monitor detection takes about 10ms).
Youtube video showing some gameplay, buttons pressed by aiming out of the screen with XYAB buttons depending if above, below etc the monitor.
Basic tips:
- Check the
image to see if anything in the view is confusing the model - The webcam should be held as vertical as possible as so far the image isn't being rotated to compensate for oblique monitors
- A CPU model should be supported and files are available should be simple [TODO]
- Webcam
- EdgeTPU
- Python 3.9
- pycoral
- opencv-python
- pyautogui -
- vgamepad (uses Nefarious gamepad emulator) -
From get an object detection model that can label TVs or monitors. Anything trained on the COCO dataset should work.
I used SSD MobileNet V2 from tf2_ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco17_ptq_edgetpu.tflite and label file COCO labels.
python .\ --model .\model\tf2_ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco17_ptq_edgetpu.tflite --label .\model\coco_labels.txt
You will need to map something to click, rightclick or other buttons. You probably want the RawInput mode in game for lg (using pyautogui) and xinput for lg-gamepad and lg-p2 using vgamepad.