
Challenge from https://traefik.io/careers/platform-engineer/

Primary LanguageMakefile


Challenge is from https://traefik.io/careers/platform-engineer/ It says:

docker run -it traefik/jobs


1: run the command

It spits out:

Helmsman, where are you? 🤔

And with -h added:

Usage of /start:
  -debug string
  -local string

But nothing more from adding those params yet.

I guess this runs differently when deployed in a K8S cluster, mostly from the product being a K8S proxy, but also the message.

2: run the container in k8s

Running it as a deployment in kind spits out:

It seems I do need more permissions... May I be promoted cluster-admin? 🙏 Hmmmm, it seems Helmsman deployment has an issue 😒

And the with cluster-admin role:

Look at me by the 8888 ingress 🚪

But then pod crashes right after. The image is 4 years old, so perhaps it is a compatibility issue, I try to run it with and older version.

After downgrading adn adding an ingress:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
I have to tell you something...</br>
Something that nobody should know.</br>
However, everyone could see it.</br>
It's even part of my public image.</br>
Come back when you know more.</br>
But remember, it's a secret 🤫</br>

3: let's dig into the docker image

After hours digging into the binary for some hours I didn't find anything. Then I went to look at the image details on docker hub and found a peculiar LABEL there, I added that as a K8S secret and the out put changed to an Iframe leading to a Google form!