
Ontologies developed for the UTTRI iCity-ORF Project

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iCity-ORF Project 1.1: Ontology for Urban Modelling & Design

This repository houses the iCity Transportation Planning Suite of Ontologies (TPSO) developed for the UTTRI iCity-ORF Project. This project is supported by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation through the ORF-RE program.

The ontology has been designed to support the representation and integration of transportation planning data - with a focus on the projects in Theme 2 of iCity-ORF: Urban Mobility & Integrated Urban Systems Design.

project  diagram

The iCity TPSO is comprised of a collection of ontologies, that may be stratefied according to 3 levels: the Foundation, the City Level ontologies, and the Service Level ontologies.

The full report, along with current and past versions of the ontology can be accessed in the /docs/ folder.