HVZ front-end

Setup and installation

  1. run npm install -y to install dependencies
  2. Make sure HVZapi is running (Visual Studio IIS express)
  3. run npm start to start localhost:3000

Landing page

  • http://localhost:3000

    This is th landing page with list of games in their different states, Active, upcoming or completed. You can click See more on th cards to get a popup with a map over the play area. From there you can join a game and view a more detailed page of the game.

Admin page

An Administrator is the only one who can create and edit games and players. The Admins Home Page has an overview of all the games (active, upcoming and completed) similar to the landing page. The Admin can click on one of the game cards to access the Admin Dashboard for the particular game. The Admin Dashboard is where an Admin can add and edit missions, players, start/end/delete the game and keep track of game time and other statistics.