
Docker image container Intellij, the Scala plugin, and SBT

Primary LanguageShell

Docker image containing Intellij Idea with Scala plugin and SBT

  1. First time

    Build the image:

     docker build -t intellij-scala .

    If you are using OSX:

    ensure latest XQuartz is installed (for X11 forwarding of Intellij), then

      export IP=$(ifconfig en0 inet | grep inet | awk '{print $2'})
      export DISPLAY=${IP}:0.0
      open -a XQuartz
      xhost + $IP

    Run the container and mount useful volumes (1) your source code that you'll edit with intellij (2) the container's home directory so build artifacts are cached on host

     export CODE=/path/to/source/code/on/host # location of source code
     export WORKDIR=/code  # working-directory inside of container 
     export CACHE_DIR=${CODE}/intellij_cache
     docker run -it \
            -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \
            -w ${WORKDIR} \
            -v ${CODE}:${WORKDIR} \                    (1)
            -v ${CACHE_DIR}:/home/developer \          (2)
            -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
            --name intellij \
            intellij-scala \

    Inside the container, install and run intellij or pycharm

     now run pycharm or intellij via command line
  2. The next time

    docker start intellij