
py4web app with socketio, simple chat server, python-socketio example, py4web sockjs example, server sent events, sse

Primary LanguageJavaScript

lvsio - py4web apps


server_adapters.py with unix:/socket support

for 'GunicornServer', 'GeventServer', 'GeventWebSocketServer', 'WSGIRefThreadingServer'

server_adapters.py.gun - multi bind to gunicorn

mig1ssl, mig2ssl, torMig, aioMig


based on https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/quick-socketio-tutorial/tree/part9

cp mig1ssl/server_adapters.py to py4web/server_adapters.py

./py4web.py run apps -s torMig --ssl_cert=cert.pem --ssl_key=key.pem -H -P 9000

./py4web.py run apps -s aioMig --ssl_cert=cert.pem --ssl_key=key.pem -H -P 9000

test for async run_controller from torMig, aioMig


cd apps/flvsiossl && . worker.sh

./py4web.py run apps -s tornadoSio --ssl_cert=cert.pem --ssl_key=key.pem -H -P 9000

cp flvsiossl/server_adapters.py to py4web/server_adapters.py

stleft - sveltejs + left menu

fgrid - grid.js and tabulator.js

based on https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/beautiful-flask-tables-part-2

lmenu - layout.html with navigation left_menu


the file server_adapters.py contains a wsgiref server version

with a redirector-http->https and ssl-keys

to use, copy the file server_adapters.py to py4web/server_adapters.py

ssep4w - generators in py4web-controllers

( polling, server sent events, file-push, live charts ... etc )

run ./py4web.py run apps --watch=off -s wsgirefThreadingServer

( or ./py4web.py run apps -s waitressPyruvate --watch=off

look into ssep4w/server_adapters.py )

The following sources were used:








tips: run the background sse-tasks with the commands

./sse-listen in the same terminal and

./sse-emit-ping in another terminal


py4web with socketio examples

cp mlvsio to apps/

( chan_sio.py - uvicorn channel server )

cd apps/mlvsio && ./chan_sio.py

run py4web

firefox localhost:8000/mlvsio

flvsio is mlvsio with tornado-socketio and sockjs-example

added celery longrun_task from


( To test it, you need to run the file . worker.sh )

socketio events moved to wsservers.py

copy flvsio/wsservers.py to py4web/utils/wsservers.py

( you can remove twisted and aiohttp from the wsservers.py, you need install packages from wsservers.py )

./py4web.py run -s tornadoSioWsServer apps

(If the py4web.py cannot find the server tornadoSioWsServer, it means you have not installed all the packages from the file wsservers.py)

Note - the name of the application (flvsio) is used in the name of the redis-channel in the server file wsservers.py

firefox localhost:8000/flvsio

lvsio - demo for "how to push event to js-UI from py4web-controllers.py"

cp lvsio to apps/

( chan_sio.py - uvicorn channel server )

cd apps/lvsio && ./chan_3000.py

run py4web

firefox localhost:8000/lvsio

redis must be installed and running

im my /etc/redis.conf: databases 64