
Customized Bootstrap admin template in laravel 5.4 with fully featured admin customization feature like login, change password, manage users, manage products , manage blogs and so on...

Primary LanguageHTML

How its work (how to get the project into your system -- please follow the below steps one by one)

  1. git clone https://github.com/yadunandankushwaha/Laravel-5.4-complete-project-with-administrator-panel-and-front-panel.git projectName

  2. (once clonning done go to project folder and run) composer update

  3. Create and Change Database name from .env file from root folder (if .env file is not there please create .env file)

  4. Run the command to get database tables: php artisan migrate

  5. Run seeder to insert data in tables eg. php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder (please check seeder folder to run and get more data in database tables like i did above for user table)

  6. Than run php artisan serve

  7. Now hit the localhost with localhost:8000 in your brower for front end panel

  8. For Admin panel -- localhost:8000/admin in your brower for Admin panel

Login Credential for Admin

Email: ynandan55@gmail.com --- password: 123456

(NOTE: if you are Getting error (Call to undefined method Illuminate\Session\Store::getToken()) in admin login page then please rename the function getToken() to token() and the file will be located in *vendor\laravelcollective\html\src\HtmlServiceProvider.php*)

Login Credential for User

Please register yourself and login with your Credential

Main Components

  1. Bootstrap Theme integrated for Administration and Front-panel.

  2. Laravel 5.4

  3. Php 5.6

User Panel

  1. Theme Integrate

  2. User Login

  3. User Registration

  4. Manage Dashboard and Settings

  5. Add-update-edit-delete blog

  6. Blogs comment system

Administration Panel

  1. Bootstrap Theme Integration for admin panel

  2. Login for Admin

  3. Forget password

  4. Reset password

  5. Full dashboard integration

  6. Edit profile

  7. Change password

  8. Manage USER-

* 	Add user

* 	Update User

*	List of Users

*	Active/Inactive User

*	Delete User
  1. Manage BLOGS-
*	Manage Blog Category(Add, Edit, Delete)

*	Add Blog

*	Update Blog

*	List of blogs

*	Enable/Disable and Delete Blogs
  1. Manage PRODUCTS-
*	Manage Product Category(Add, Edit, Delete)

*	Add Products

*	Update Products

*	List of Products

*	Enable/Disable and Delete Products
  1. Manage TEAMS-
*	Add Team

*	Update Team

*	List of Teams

*	Active/Inactive and Delete Team
*	Add Testimonial

*	Update Testimonial

*	List of Testimonials

*	Active/Inactive and Delete Testimonial
  1. Manage FAQ-
*	Manage Faq Category(Add, Edit, Delete)

*	Add Faq

*	Update Faq

*	List of Faq

*	Active/Inactive and Delete Faq
  1. Manage GALLERY-
*	Add Multiple Gallery Images

*	List of Gallery Images

*	Delete Gallery Images
*	Manage Site Logo, Title etc.

*	Manage Front End Static Pages Dynamically. (About, Contact, Term & Condition, Privacy Policy Pages)

*	Manage Sliders (Add, Edit, Delete)

*	Manage Custom SEO Tools for front-end pages (for meta tag/keywords, description) 

*	Manage Front End Social Links (Add, Edit)

Note:- This product is under developed by Yadu Nandan Kushwaha ..

   Please contact if having any query. Mail to – ynandan55@gmail.com || https://github.com/yadunandankushwaha