
Clone this repo and run

  yarn install


yarn dev to start the development server
yarn build to build the application for production usage
yarn start to start a production server
yarn lint to set up Next.js's built-in ESLint configuration
yarn generate to generate a boilerplate
yarn format to check if your code is formatted (prettier plugin)
yarn format:fix to fix any unformatted files
yarn lint:ts to check for any unlinted files
yarn prisma:generate to Generate Prisma Client
yarn prisma:generate:watch to generate Prisma Client and continue to watch the schema
yarn prisma:studio to open prisma studio
yarn prisma:db:push Introspects the database to infer and executes the changes required to make your database schema reflect the state of your Prisma schema
yarn prisma:db:pull Connects to your database and adds Prisma models to your Prisma schema that reflect the current database schema

Libraries used

  1. Tailwind CSS
  2. react-redux
  3. redux-saga
  4. react-query
  5. Prisma
  6. react-hook-form
  7. Yup
  8. next-i18next
  9. react-modal
  10. react-loading-skeleton
  11. react-lottie

For formating and linting

  1. Prettier
  2. Eslint

Generating boilerplates

run yarn generate to generate a page, component, redux slice, modal or an api route.

to learn more about file generation check Plop Docs, and if you want to change any configuration or templates check the .internals/generators folder in the root.

External Resources

Pictures and icons from Undraw
Loading JSON file from Lottie Files