Catalog of my Things

In this project, we create a console app that will help you to keep a record of different types of things you won:

  • Books
  • Music albums,
  • Games


Everything will be based on the UML class diagram presented. The data will be stored in JSON files but we will also prepare a database with tables structure analogical to your program's class structure.


Built With

  • Ruby
  • Postgres

Getting Started

  • Make sure you have Ruby installed in your system. You can install it here.

  • Clone this repository by running git clone in your command line.

  • Navigate to the repository by running cd Catalog-of-my-things.

  • Start the project by running ruby main.rb on the command line.

  • Follow the program instructions to interact with the Catalog of my Things App.

  • Finally, run code . to see the files in your default code editor.


  • Run bundle install to install the Ruby Gems including Rubocop.


Author 1

👤 Ali Abbani

Ali's Profile

Author 2

👤 Rubén D. Pire

Ruben's Profile

Author 3

👤 Amine Smahi

Amine's Profile

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • A special thanks to Microverse for inspiring this project. We are indebted to you all at Microverse
  • A special thanks goes to all our peers at Microverse for being there for us.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.