
E-Commerce application for computer hardware products

Primary LanguageCSS

node --version npm install -g express-generator express --version cd desktop express Vidzy

cd Vidzy npm install npm install nodemon -g nodemon

npm install monk --save sudo npm install ejs --save npm install method-override --save

mongod // to start mongodb as a service mongod --dbpath ~/data/db // if your dbpath is different from /data/db

Steps for displaying movies on start/welcome page

  1. index.js: retrieve all documents from mongodb, pass them to ejs file
  2. index.ejs: display all videos
  3. create partials folder under views folder
  4. create header.ejs and footer.ejs under partials folder
  5. index.ejs: include header and footer ejs files
  6. include bootstrap in header.ejs
  7. Download the images and save them under public/images folder
  8. Add a new attribute (images) to movie documents in mongodb
  9. Show video list with images
  10. Add jumbotron

Next steps

  • Video insert (/videos/new)
  • Show video details (/videos/:id)
  • Delete a video