Collection of Mathematical Methods

It contains a collection of functions/methods commonly used in computational physics. Unless stated otherwise, the following methods consider univariate functions only.

Numerical Integration:

  • Simpson
  • Newton-Cotes
  • Gauss-Chebyshev

Numerical Solution of ODEs:

  • Taylor
  • Euler
  • Runge-Kutta (4th order)
  • Adams-Bashforth

Linear Systems

  • Jacobi

Root Finding methods:

  • Bisection
  • Fixed Point
  • Newton-Raphson
  • Secant

Other Utilities:

  • Detect machine's precision
  • Change logarithm base
  • Fibonacci numbers
  • Greatest Common Divisor
  • Primality test
  • Check if difference of two values (or arrays) is below threshold