
AI trained using Genetic Algorithm and Deep Learning to play the game of snake

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AI plays snake game

Neural Network Trained using Genetic Algorithm which acts as the brain for the snake.

The snake looks in the 8 direction for food, body part and the boundary which acts as the 24 input for the Neural Network.

Getting Started


To install the dependencies, run on terminal :

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Structure

├── Arena.py            # class that helps in setting the boundary and parameters of the arena
├── brain.py            # class that deals with the neural network
├── colors.py           # consists of colors used in the whole project
├── game.py             # lets the saved snakes to run in 
├── samples
│   ├── generation23.gif    
│   └── generation6.gif
├── input.py            # parametes to apply genetic algorithm on your own
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt    # python dependencies required
├── saved
│   └── top_snakes.pickle   # saved list of objects of snake class for each generation
└── snake.py            # class snake that handles all properties of snake


To train the neural network using Genetic Algorithm, alter the parameters according to your needs inside the input.py, then run the following command specifying the path to save the optimised result as a pickle file (a list is stored, containing the best snake from each generation):

python3 Genetic_algo.py --output saved/test.pickle 


To run or test the snakes saved previously, run the following commands specifying the path to the saved file :

python3 game.py --input saved/test.pickle

Skipping steps

To skip steps, simply add the -s or --steps argument to the call

python3 game.py --input saved/test.pickle --steps 50
