
Bare-Metal CoreOS Cluster Manager

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Blacksmith, Bare-Metal Booting for CoreOS and Kubernetes

GoDoc Widget Travis Widget

Blacksmith is a collection of DHCP, PXE, TFTP, and HTTP server, created with the purpose of booting CoreOS on bare-metal machines and configuring them by serving generated cloud-config and ignition files.

Warning: UNDER HEAVY DEVELOPMENT. The data-source model may dramatically change in the near future. To be notified about the project getting more stable, please subscribe to this issue.

Running in Docker

Blacksmith is available as a Docker image called cafebazaar/blacksmith.

Because Blacksmith needs to listen for DHCP traffic, it has to run with the host network stack. You can use install-as-docker.sh to run blacksmith as a docker container. The script has made some assumptions to provide some of the required arguments of the blacksmith command. To customize it according to your network layout, currently you have to edit the script.

$ sudo ./install-as-docker.sh <workspace-path> <etcd-endpoints> <network-interface>

Under the Hood

Check this.


TODO: Add docker independent development instructions

You can use Vagrant to quickly setup a test environment:

(HOST)$ vagrant up --provider=libvirt pxeserver
(HOST)$ vagrant ssh pxeserver

### Clone and prepare workspace
(PXESERVER)$ git clone https://github.com/cafebazaar/blacksmith-workspace-kubernetes.git
(PXESERVER)$ cd blacksmith-workspace-kubernetes
(PXESERVER)$ make update

### Run etcd as Docker service
(PXESERVER)$ sudo docker run -d -p 4001:4001 -p 2380:2380 -p 2379:2379 --restart=always --name etcd quay.io/coreos/etcd:v2.0.3  -name etcd0  -advertise-client-urls,  -listen-client-urls,  -initial-advertise-peer-urls  -listen-peer-urls  -initial-cluster-token etcd-cluster-1  -initial-cluster etcd0=  -initial-cluster-state new -cors '*'

### Install Blacksmith as Docker service
(PXESERVER)$ cd /vagrant
(PXESERVER)$ go generate
(PXESERVER)$ docker build -t cafebazaar/blacksmith
(PXESERVER)$ sudo ./install-as-docker.sh ~/blacksmith-workspace-kubernetes/workspace eth1

### In another terminal
(HOST)$ vagrant up --provider=libvirt pxeclient1